Across the River Styx

November 24th, 2007

November 24th, 2007

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Some of you may have seen Alisanne's comment, or may have noticed the odd activity on the fiction side of Cipher, but the board is currently under the invasion of spam bots again. *grumble* They are leaving random reviews in stories (according to Ali, who has been attacked, they seem to frequent the same story quite often.)

I may hve unintentionally ticked off the great spam bots of the interweb by deleting faux accounts (or accounts that didn't seem legit, if I accidently grab a real account, I am terribly sorry to whoever you are. Forgive me.)

Please, if you are one of the authors being targeted, let me know. I will be fixing this problem as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
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