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Aug. 31st, 2008


New chapter!

Chapter 207 is out.


Aug. 25th, 2008



So, it's official that all the current sub groups have dropped the KHR anime.

Please allow me a minute of bitterness to clap my hands at d-rights and Funanimation, because even if they do license the series in the US, I'm not American and except for internet subs I'm never ever going to see the anime in my country. And it's not as if they're losing much money because people watch the subs instead of buying their DVDs, given that most of us don't understand Japanese and are likely not going to buy the DVDs anyway. But it's their series, so it's obvious that they should protect their interests.

That said... )
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Aug. 23rd, 2008


KHR Original Soundtrack 3


Finally the 3rd KHR ost is out!

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New chapter!

After skipping a week, chapter 206 is out (onemanga link).

Thoughts )

Aug. 22nd, 2008


I came bearing gifts for you all....

Hello *_*/

Cause I was bored and I've already read the same fics for the third time in a week, I decided to post one of my photoshop works

If you have a Nintendo DS console and, most importantly, a R4 cartridge, you can download the "Mukuro DS Skin"

Kufufu~ )
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Aug. 11th, 2008


Episode 95

Episode 95 (subbed by Yuurisan-Subs) is out.

Download (AVI) : here
Torrent (AVI): here
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Aug. 10th, 2008


New chapter & anime info

Chapter 205 is out on onemanga, check it out!

Also, this piece of news is a couple of days old, so you might have heard of it already, but Shinsen-Subs got a C&D letter about the KHR anime (and other projects) and is therefore dropping the series.

More's a pity, but there's nothing to worry about. Yuurisan-Subs is still working on the project, so you can still get your anime fix from them.
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Aug. 8th, 2008


introduction -- is this allowed?

hey all! i'm lucas and i was so stoked to see a khr community finally pop up. it's probably my favorite anime/manga of all time and i just recently started writing fanfic for it, a lot of which i'll probably post here! my favorite pairing, like most of khr fandom, is 8059, of course. i just love gokudera's snark and yamamoto's carefree attitude. i was introduced to khr through a friend and ever since i can't get enough of it. i'm constantly awaiting new episodes and am so impatient sometimes. i've even though about putting together a roleplay sooner or later! i'd like to meet some fellow fans so if you can, introduce yourself in a comment. ^^

Aug. 6th, 2008


Fic - Blind Trust

Title: Blind Trust
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Pairing: adult!Reborn/Tsuna
Length: 2950 words
Rating: NC-17
WARNINGS: SUCKAGE AND FAIL TO THE MAX. Also, gay mafia babies, and softcore bondage.
Notes: Written for the KHR! kink meme, but turned out way longer than I expected. *stares at word count, which was supposed to be UNDER 500 WORDS, DAMN IT* Well. I was never one to do things halfway. If fail I must, I'll do it spectacularly.

Linked to my journal

Aug. 5th, 2008


First Post

Well, what to say? That I am a obsessed otaku-girl who love KHR with all her heart (in particular a certain bastard Guardian)

And for this I should blame a certain person, but in the end the fault is mine too, cause my will is very very weak. How can I resist when the 90% of the manga/anime characters is so... so... so slashable?

And now I only have to be grateful to Amano-sensei for this wonderful story that took only two days about eight months ago to make me hopelessly addicted

I want my next fix!!!!!

Aug. 3rd, 2008


KHR numbers

If you're new to the fandom, you're bound to be confused by the numbers popping up everywhere. What's with this 8059 pairing, how is someone supposed to figure it out? Well, by reading this list, hopefully, which is a short guide to the numbers of the series.

Mostly the numbers can be blamed on Amano Akira and the Japanese fans. You have a number, usually, when the first two syllables of the name/surname of a character have the same sound as a number.

Tsunayoshi = Tsu (2) Na (7) = 27

The non-listed characters either don't have a number or are usually referred to by name (Ryohei, Shamal, Romario, Kyoko, etc).

Characters )

Most common pairings )

Threesomes )
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Aug. 1st, 2008



Welcome to [info]ciaossu, a fandom-general Katekyo Hitman Reborn community!

This is your head mod speaking. The com is not yet up to par - I'm still working on it, and I'll welcome all the help thrown my way. This layout is meant to be temporary until I manage to find a more fandom-specific one. If anyone can point me to one - or make it, if there's someone kind enough - I'll be very grateful.

In the next few days I'm hoping to straighten out the few bits still left, and start posting few things, like a Newbie Guide To The KHR Numbers, so bear with me.

As of now the community is officially open!

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