August 3rd, 2008

[info]kemis in [info]ciaossu

KHR numbers

If you're new to the fandom, you're bound to be confused by the numbers popping up everywhere. What's with this 8059 pairing, how is someone supposed to figure it out? Well, by reading this list, hopefully, which is a short guide to the numbers of the series.

Mostly the numbers can be blamed on Amano Akira and the Japanese fans. You have a number, usually, when the first two syllables of the name/surname of a character have the same sound as a number.

Tsunayoshi = Tsu (2) Na (7) = 27

The non-listed characters either don't have a number or are usually referred to by name (Ryohei, Shamal, Romario, Kyoko, etc).

Characters )

Most common pairings )

Threesomes )
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