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December 26th, 2009

[info]starsgoblue in [info]chicago1931

Friend All

[info]starsgoblue in [info]chicago1931

Rules and Posting Guidelines

There are only 2 rules:
1. Don't be an idiot.
2. Don't be a bitch.

There are slightly more posting guidelines: Cut for length )

And finally, regarding accuracy:
Be historically and geographically accurate to a certain point - that is, to a very SHALLOW point. Do not drive yourself crazy trying to get everything just right; just go watch a couple of Greta Garbo movies and remember that Chicago is in Illinois. Remember that we're going for a fun, romanticized version of the era. In the end, how much research you feel like doing is entirely up to you, but for goodness sakes don't go getting on anybody else's case about how much they want to do.

[info]starsgoblue in [info]chicago1931

How This Game Is Different

Okay, so...there are some significant ways in which this game is going to be different from how we're used to playing. Basically, this game is more like a Murder Mystery Party or a tabletop RPG, in same ways.

1. There are some things that you as a player should keep secret from other players. You don't have to, but it makes it more fun for everybody trying to solve the mystery.

2. Clues will be all over the place. If you see something you want to know about, then it's time to send your character out to investigate. If there's an unplayed character you would like to question, IM me and we'll work out how to make it happen. If you want your character to investigate a particular place, IM me and I can let you know what they'll find so you can write a narrative on it or just keep hold of the knowledge to use in the future. Anyone your character talks to could potentially have information that will help solve the case - whether or not you get that information depends on how the log runs.

3. The game is officially concluded when the right person is arrested for murder. I have no idea how long this may take. In the meantime, feel free to do any kind of logging or writing or phone-conversing you like; it's not as if everything has to be focused on solving the case.

4. And of course, we're trying to go for a sort of classic detective story feel. Description, action, and dialogue that would be considered over-the-top in our usual games are totally within reason here - in fact, the more dramatic the better. Shadows and secrets! Drama and death! Fancy hats and cigarettes! Just have FUN with it!