Cherchez La Femme -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Cherchez La Femme

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[08 Dec 2011|12:08pm]
[info]carnivale_mods. Open for nearly a year, very active. Tons of positions and roles still open and wanted/needed! Burlesque dancers, bartenders, tightrope, escape artist, sword swallower, magicians, game booth operators, clowns/mimes, food vendors, artisans, jewelry-makers, makeup designers, musicians and more desired! All PBs welcome! All-original, thread and AIM friendly, no fandom characters!

Come show off your creative chops in a mature, fun SL with talented writers and plenty of great plot and interaction! Character-driven with large plot arcs to keep it on course.
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Any Santana Lopez's out there? [08 Dec 2011|09:11pm]
I'm in a panfandom game that currently has Brittany, Kurt, Puck, Quinn, and Tina. Brittany misses Santana a lot and it would be great if I found one for her. Anyone interested?
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[ viewing | December 8th, 2011 ]
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