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Cherchez La Femme

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[16 Aug 2011|01:52pm]
Something for Gwyneth at [info]elysianmods Femme preferred.
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[16 Aug 2011|10:55pm]


Two days ago this was an empty lot, an abandoned field near the edge of town. Then the trucks rolled in, big semis huffing clouds of noxious fumes, and able-bodied men jumped out to set stakes in the ground, run string to mark off areas. The townspeople whispered excitedly as the posters and flyers arrived around town, posted on telephone poles and bulletin boards, stacks of them on the counters in shops.

The Dark Carnival was in town.

The tents aren't the brilliant red and white stripes of the carnivals of yesteryear; these are black and gray, burgundy and purple, dark jewel tones lit from within by lanterns and candles and black-lights. Torches burn at the entrance and a sign warns all who enter that they are lost. Here the carnies walk among the crowd dressed in leather jackets embroidered like a skeleton's infrastructure, weaving expertly between the marks and disappearing into the crowd so effortlessly you'd swear you'd seen a ghost. Barkers call to passersby, luring them in for the sights and sounds. Canvas banners ripple in the wind, which carries with it the scent of food cooking, the hot smell of machinery and oil.

There are cries of laughter and delighted squeals coming from the midway, the freak tent, the handful of thrill rides. People walk out of the psychic's tent looking a little uneasy, laughing it off as hokum even as their skin crawls. And some of those shrieks from the haunted house... well, they sound a little too sincere, don't they?

Of course, not all who enter will leave when the night is over.

This is the Dark Carnival.

OOC: This is an original-character supernatural game set in a modern day traveling carnival. We welcome all supernatural beings from any mythology or culture, and all PBs are welcome as long as they're not animated. AIM and thread friendly, active, creative, and very fun community with two attentive, experienced mods. Open for several months now and no signs of shutting down in the future. :) We have characters of all sexualities, creeds, cultures and backgrounds, as well as roles for good guys, bad guys, and of course the neutral parties. :)

Particularly seeking: banshees, ghosts/spirits/poltergeists, chupacabra, animal shifters/performers, demons, many more! Merchants, vendors, artisans, tightrope walker, contortionists, trapeze artists, clowns/mimes, costume designers, makeup artists, tutors, choreographers, musicians, caricature artists, riggers, barkers, game booth operators, freak show performers, jugglers, anything else you can think of!
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