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Elysian Fields: Celeb RPG [14 Aug 2011|05:47pm]

Homer wrote of the Elysian Plain as a land of perfect happiness...

On the surface, Elysian Fields is nothing more than an exclusive country club, aimed towards celebrities of all calibers. Membership is by referral only and no one gets past the guarded gates that allow entry into the club proper.

Behind those gates, though, are secrets that can never be mentioned in public conversation. Everyone has their secrets and Elysian Fields will keep them for you. The marble hallways and soft carpets are a path to the deepest, most secret desires of the clientele. Everything from soft silk to hard beatings and beyond.

Elysian Fields is a celebrity RPG with a focus on storytelling and writing in the backdrop of a BDSM club, it’s surroundings, clients and staff. We are slash, femme, and het friendly, with many roles still available.

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[ viewing | August 14th, 2011 ]
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