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Dark Obsidian - A Neo-Noir Game [10 Nov 2010|07:50pm]


The Lieutenant

Half the force is owned by one family or another, most of the other half are owned by their own desires more than any kind of work ethic to do the damn job they've been sworn to do. A few try to keep their noses clean, but they don't last too long in this city. And me? I'm the asshole trying to rope in all the corruption and bribery and put the bastards back to work, protecting the city.

I've got a serial killer running around my city, killing whoever he pleases, bold enough to kill his own copycat in one of our holding cells. I've got someone tearing up the German district with racist graffiti and threats of violence, and I have the Petrovskii and Pavoni families at each other's throats and just gearing up for another war.

I'm getting too old for this shit.

Someone get him a drink.

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[ viewing | November 10th, 2010 ]
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