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Cherchez La Femme

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brand new community! needs players!! [25 Sep 2010|04:29pm]

Welcome to St. Blair Academy, a private coed boarding school for children and shadow children alike. It is here that you must hide who you really are while pretending to be someone else. You are finally out in the open so it can't be too hard, now can it? But never feel alone, 95% of the school is made up of imposters that just wanted to live their life and get out of hiding. Some of the students have decided to take matters into their own hands and pull all the Shadow Children together to one day overthrow the government or at least prove to them that their laws are pointless and women are having more children anyway.

In reality, the privileged might rule and get away with anything and everything, but by moonlight in the secret garden, it's all about those among the hidden.

Premise | Rules | Taken | Held | Application

First adds are at ten applications!
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[ viewing | September 25th, 2010 ]
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