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Dark Obsidian - An Original Noir RPG [17 Jul 2010|02:46am]

The Ruby Girls

One does not willingly join the Ruby Girls, through a series of events and misfortune will a girl find herself under the rule of Delilah Fontane. Those that watch from across the bridge cast judgement but until they're under the protection of the Ruby District, will they understand what it's like. More of a family then a group of individualistic whores, the girls watch out for each other and rule their Island with an iron fist. Crueler than the Russians, more erratic than the Irish and no where near as forgiving as the Italians, the Ruby Girls are a class all on their own.

Police do not venture past the bridge, not anymore, they have long since given up the island to the Madame and her girls. Access to the island is only permitted if the the copper is looking for... a little bit of fun, but he better be willing to pay and to keep the touch as light as possible. These girls don't just bite, they maim and you better pray they don't break a nail doing it.

Down and out? Sick of being thrown around? Maybe you should make a trip to the Ruby District but be warned, it ain't as easy to back out as it is to join.

They'll be waiting in Obsidian City.

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