May. 14th, 2012



You'll find plot details here, which were transferred from the Workflowy doc here. Thank you for your contributions and it's never too late to add on!

There are also character stats here if you missed them, compiled by Kat.

And there's a map of what Grindelwald has control over. You can thank Trish for the information because my knowledge of Europe, especially Eastern Europe, is pretty limited.

Questions, comments, concerns, need things fixed, ideas? Leave a message in the comments or screened dropbox!

May. 9th, 2012


[info]crossfire: now open for business



May. 7th, 2012


Members Only!

1. It's that time! It's time for us to make the switch to a member's only chat since the game opens this week. You can find the new name and more information here.
2. Make sure you contribute to the plot doc and expect plot discussions to kick off this week!
3. Do us a favor and add the following into your application between former house and occupation:
RESIDENCE: Where your character lives.

4. Under wanted, request any requests for family members you might want. They'll briefly be available to hold the first week the game opens.

(P.S. Thanks for remembering to tag stuff on the OOC! Not one entry was missing tags when we glanced through.)