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May. 19th, 2012


Activity Check

Hola, it's Fin! Sorry I've been really MIA lately. I haven't felt great so I've mostly been sleeping and vegging out. I'm feeling better now and getting caught up with everything so just be patient. While Kat has been around (I THINK IDK HER LIFE), she mostly does housekeeping - thus the wait on things like apps.

ANYWAY, the point of this post. You can check here to see your activity for the week.

Things to know:
  • You need one journal post a month and a minimum of 30 comments a week.
  • If your name is in blue (both shades), you passed the activity check this week.
  • If your name is in pink, you failed the activity check but have been active. This means you've used up one of your allotted chances to fail an activity check every two months. If you don't pass the next activity check, you'll be removed.
  • If your name is in red, you haven't been active at all and have been removed (please feel free to re-apply).

    Make sure to run the friending button here.
  • May. 14th, 2012



    You'll find plot details here, which were transferred from the Workflowy doc here. Thank you for your contributions and it's never too late to add on!

    There are also character stats here if you missed them, compiled by Kat.

    And there's a map of what Grindelwald has control over. You can thank Trish for the information because my knowledge of Europe, especially Eastern Europe, is pretty limited.

    Questions, comments, concerns, need things fixed, ideas? Leave a message in the comments or screened dropbox!

    May. 15th, 2012


    hi, i'm trish. hi, this is andromeda.

    May. 12th, 2012



    sorry folks, but i'm leaving you all...

    ... )

    May. 9th, 2012


    [info]crossfire: now open for business




    Friending. It's what's for [meal dependent on timezone].

    Heya! I'm Maya. I'm 20 (WHEN DID I STOP BEING A TEENAGER MY CHILDHOOD WHYY) and a rising junior at a liberal-artsy college in Portland. I'm currently at home in Albuquerque, soaking in sun and getting hilariously burned for my troubles, but I'll be back in the Pacific Northwest in June to cut up rat brains at the local research hospital. I'm pretty stoked.

    Anywhoodle! This is Ted Nigel Tonks, esquire. With a puppy.

    Just kidding. He'd love to be an esquire, though. He'd also really like a puppy. (Can he Andy puhleeeese!) He's a Ravenclaw '71, and currently a features editor at the Daily Prophet. He's madly curious about everything, but most specifically people--he treats them like puzzles, and he's pretty good at solving them. However, his keen intellect is overshadowed by the fact that he's a total space case. If you don't want him to find something out, you can probably distract him with shiny objects. Probably. He loves to make off-kilter jokes, sing obnoxiously to his wife, and coo at his wee baby lass.

    My excitement to start this absolutely gorgeous RPG can only be expressed with a gif, which I shall leave you with.

    May. 7th, 2012


    Members Only!

    1. It's that time! It's time for us to make the switch to a member's only chat since the game opens this week. You can find the new name and more information here.
    2. Make sure you contribute to the plot doc and expect plot discussions to kick off this week!
    3. Do us a favor and add the following into your application between former house and occupation:
    RESIDENCE: Where your character lives.

    4. Under wanted, request any requests for family members you might want. They'll briefly be available to hold the first week the game opens.

    (P.S. Thanks for remembering to tag stuff on the OOC! Not one entry was missing tags when we glanced through.)

    May. 3rd, 2012



    Are there any awesome RPers going to PAX Prime, Labor Day weekend? I got my ticket, so if anyone here wants to meet up for dinner/expo fun, hollah. If not... well...






    Madeline here with my second character, Dorcas Meadowes!
    She's 26, class of 1972, Ravenclaw, best known for her family's business - a line of charity shops called Tidings, founded by her father, who handed management of the London store over to his daughter. She wants you to think she's just a shopgirl that keeps quiet. . .while in her free time she tinkers around with muggle technology, plays around with curses and dark objects that find their way into the acquisition boxes for the shops, and wishes for the overthrow of Grindelwald in continental Europe. So, you know, normal hobbies and the like.

    She'd like you to think she's just a spinster-in-the-making who works in the shop all day with her owl, getting a bit over-enthusiastic about muggle records that accidentally find their way into the store (muggle ska is a favourite of hers), smoking like a chimney, and usually minding her manners, but that's all so you don't realize she's sizing you up and judging you and trying to see how she can see what your true motives are. She may look like she's lurking and smoking and in her own little world, but really, she's taking note of the reactions and body language of everyone she's looking at. You can read more about her HERE!

    SO. THAT BEING SAID. All the plots and the like and all! "Friends" from school! People who come into the shop! Someone who may someday learn of her underground political involvement? ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! What would be great is potentially a way for someone to find out about her extracurriculars and maybe-eventually-somewhat bring her into the Order of the Phoenix, depending on how things go? WE SHALL SEE!

    To thank you for your time, have another gif:

    May. 1st, 2012



    i'm jen ([info]jehn, secundahopes on aim) and i live in rainy old england.

    but more importantly (because let's face it, he's way cooler than me) is this fella, mr benjamin ernest fenwick. go friend him here!

    the basics
    he's thirty-two year old halfblood and a hufflepuff alumnus.
    he's a healer in st mungo's on the spell damage ward.
    he has three sisters - cathryn (27), susan (25) and melissa (23), who all went to hogwarts.
    he lives in mould-on-the-wold with his jack russell terrier, but spends most sundays at his parents being fed proper food (his culinary skills extend to toast, cereal and takeaways).

    the detail
    he's incredibly paternally protective and his cuddles will solve every problem.
    he's an avid gardener but a shit cook.
    he doesn't wear orange.
    his political moral compass is all over the place when it comes to halfbreeds, but firmly fixed when it comes to the meaningless crap that is blood 'purity'.
    charity shops would turn their noses up at his clothes.
    his boggart is public speaking, and his patronus is a turtle.

    that's about all the random details i can think of right now! check his app out for more details, or just hit me up with your characters and let's get this plottin' party starteddd.

    Apr. 30th, 2012


    Hey hey. I'm Nicole, an (egads) 30 year old public servant (my life, it's so thrilling) living in Melbourne Australia. More importantly though, is this guy: Fabian Prewett.

    He's 26, an Auror and ex-Gryffindor. Just in case you forget his house, you'll be reminded anytime you see/hear him since he's basically Mr January in the Stupidly, Foolish Gryffindors calendar. Lovely guy and all, very friendly, very affectionate and likely to bestow you with a million different nicknames but he can be kind of an idiot. And by 'kind of' I mean 'a lot'. Thinking before doing anything? What's that? While he was at Hogwarts, he was a kickarse seeker on the quidditch team, mainly because he'd make amazing leaps to catch the snitch and only then remember that he left his broom behind. So, yeah, many broken bones and scars, and that was before he got into Auror training. He's probably not the most stable person in the world but he's all about glory and fame and giving his life meaning so being an Auror was the only real life choice he gave himself. Even with that, he still wants more though.

    So these days he's doing his Auror thing, ranting to his cat about any Ministry policies he doesn't agree with, babysitting his adored nephews, doing boy things with his BFFs and recently broke up with his girlfriend, who he still holds a candle for, if not a whole candelabra.

    I suck at intros so his whole app is here if you want to wade through it. Any lines would be awesome - friends/not-friends/work people/old roomies/ex-girlfriends/etc - but if anyone wants to volunteer for one of his boys or his most recent ex, I'd love you forever xD You can find me hanging around here, on AIM as victoriouspledge or email so hit me up! And have another gif:

    Apr. 26th, 2012



    Hello, Crossfire!! I'm Emily (22, GRADUATING UNDERGRAD VERY SOON, prepping for a move to grad school in the fall), and I'm bringing you Gideon Prewett. I'm also bad at introductions, so here goes!

    Gideon's 28, and he graduated from Hogwarts in 1970 where he was a Ravenclaw. He's worked at Trasfiguration Today magazine since he left school. He'd spent his entire life planning his career path at the Ministry, but when he applied for a job there, he found that he didn't exactly fit what they were looking for, and he's been pissed off about it since (read: he HAAAATES the Ministry). Anyway, he started out writing a column about household applications for Transfiguration (examples: How to double the size of your house for the weekend! Missing a fork? Create your own flatware! etc.) which earned him quite the following of elderly women. Now, he gets to write what he would consider real stories about academics and innovators in the field, and he ends up traveling a lot for interviews.

    Generally, Gideon's kind of an asshole. He could argue with an orange about what color it is, and he could argue with as much enthusiasm about the state of politics today. Usually, the issues don't even matter-- he finds that sort of interaction intellectually stimulating, and that's all that really matters to him. He's arrogant and entitled and possesses an overly inflated sense of self-worth (although he is pretty handy with a wand), so he doesn't have many friends, but that doesn't really bother him. His family (Molly? Fabian? Bueller?) are the most important people to him, and those are the only people's opinions he really cares about, anyway. Gideon's also sort of stuck with traditional ideas regarding blood purity-- he thinks that purebloods possess the greatest potential to be the best wizards, and he avoids muggles at all costs-- but he realizes that those opinions are very unsavory, so they don't really come into play in his life in an active way. Ultimately he's the sort of guy who will do what he knows is right-- he'll just bitch and complain about it and act like he's the only one who can get the job done correctly.

    You can find Gideon's application here, and you can find me on AIM at coffeebeandream, on email at, or at [info]coffeebeandream. I would enjoy having all the plots for Gideon, please and thank you.

    Apr. 20th, 2012



    'cause you should always start a game with a gif pun, if you can.

    I'm Jessx2, coming to you from my den of pestilence. This intro is belated because of my kidney infection, but brought to you courtesy of my antibiotics. I'm 24, working as a dental assistant despite my degree as a graphic designer, and I love to make icons (need some?). I'm going to grad school next year in order to pursue my MFA in writing, because my dream of all dreams is to write video games.

    For now, I'm bringing you Lucius Malfoy-- who is mostly affiliated with the Knights of Walpurgis. By 'mostly', I mean: Narcissa is affiliated with the Knights, and right now they're the organization in play that aligns closest to his own endgame. His long app of doom is here.

    Lucius works at the Ministry in the Department of International Cooperation, despite his fervent pureblood mania and private pursuit of the Dark Arts. His obsession with blood status is by far the most toxic part of his personality, but through money and charm, he's managed to climb through the ranks at the Ministry anyway. By charm, please read: he will kiss the ass of anyone in power and make sure they become his friend. This also extends to people considered experts in their fields: are you a BAMF wandmaker or Quidditch player? Lucius has probably given you a really nice present or something. He's a feuder too (Arthur? Where are you?) and if you cross him, you'll have earned a creative and lifelong enemy. On the nicer side? He's completely in love with his family, a devoted friend, and without the Death Eaters, isn't really 100% behind his cause.

    Grindelwald's CONQUER ALL THE MUGGLES goal isn't Lucius's own. He'd prefer to completely segregate Muggle and Wizard communities, so... there's that? Basically: Because he hasn't been completely indoctrinated by Voldemort, Lucius is open to forming relationships on both sides of this war... because he's not sure who's going to win. And Malfoy's always side with the winners. It's how they survive, yo.

    Lines? BRING IT.

    Apr. 19th, 2012


    Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

    Hey everyone! I'm Christa, and I think I know some (most???) of you from Roadmaps or other games. I am just shy of 25 and, as I've been saying farrrrr too long now, am working on my masters degree in English (aka occasionally wanting to die/flee the country due to thesis-induced anxiety). By day I'm a cashier and a receptionist, by night I stay up way too late watching Game of Thrones and shitty Netflix offerings. I've been out of regular RPing for about a year now (I tried and failed to get back into it in December), so I'm excited to start fresh!

    And this is Philip Gibbon, 28, Ravenclaw '70, sometime shoplifter, frequent fidgeter. He insists you call him Phil. For about ten years he was a Cursebreaker, but got fired a few months ago due to being consistently too reckless on the job (to put it more nicely than the Gringotts Goblins did). Now he's working for his dad, who is a merchant, selling and shipping antiques, rarities, and yes, dark items. Phil is a very social, agreeable guy, maybe a little too agreeable - he's bad at saying no despite the constant temptation to be selfish. He's also way too prone to risk-taking, and has a really hard time staying in one place for long. So things have been pretty rough on him lately, and he's ripe for a thrill. And yeah, he's sort of creepy looking 80% of the time, but try not to let on that you think so.

    His big app is here if you care to take a gander. I'm open to any kinds of connections for him - former school mates, romantic things, people he's met through jobs, new plot ideas, WHATEVER. Hit me up here or on AIM at lux sublunaris and we can have some good times.

    Apr. 18th, 2012



    Here you can leave wanted/potential family connections for your characters in the comments. Whether you're looking for family or searching for a family name (i.e. mother's maiden name) to include in your application, this is the place to come! Accepted characters and those still filling out their applications are welcome!

    Here is a link to the canon Black Family tree that could prove useful!


    Hey guys!

    My name is Ashe and I'm really fucking old at 25. I'm in between semesters, because I am poor and pay for my classes by waitressing (note: don't do this), so I take a couple classes every year or so. I am quite possibly insane and I insert random letters and numbers into words now and then. PLENTY OF WORDS HAVE A SILENT 5, OKAY? But I'm looking forward to RP-ing with everyone, for realsies. When I think of Crossfire, I get like this:

    I bring you Remus Lupin. Fun fact: he's a werewolf. Most people don't know this, because it's an obscure fact that's only passingly referenced in the books, but it's true. He's also a cardigan-wearing, chainsmoking tea aficionado with enough issues to outsell the Daily Prophet. His sideburns are also pretty epic. He is unemployed (apart from moonlighting as a wolf once a month), and he lives in a flat with Sirius Black. It's a very heterosexual arrangement. I really look forward to having him do things and stuff and interact with people.

    Anyway, my AIM is Oh my Wizard G0d and my email is such.melodrama[at]gmail[dot]com.

    And now...dancing!




    This is your Jadis speaking; 22, super senior-in-waiting studying Japanese and Korean Language & Culture--because it was the closest thing to majoring in dragons that I could finD, gainfully employed making pretty things in Dreamweaver and writing professional BS. Online shopper extraordinaire. I WORK FROM HOME U GAIS SO IF YOU IM AND HELP ME PROCRASTINATE I WILL LUV U DOWN.

    But pay no attention to the woman behind the curtain. This here is Narcissa Malfoy (nee Black), owner of blood so pure if it was cocaine she'd never make it down an L.A. back street alive. Narcissa is 24, Slytherin '74, and unemployed because she only likes to be on ONE side of the economy kthanx. She spends most of her time putting dents in her bank account, destroying people's social lives over mai tais, and watching bbDraco sleep. Underneath all her ineffectual hedonism and vapid charm, Narcissa has the tactical capabilities of Julius Caesar and a black belt in mindninja.

    So ah....listen....

    Apr. 17th, 2012


    Hey, guys! This is Anna, and I will be your Sirius Black this evening.

    I'm Anna ([info]texmas). I can be reached at zomgprongs on AIM, at sherlocked on tumblr, and by email

    I'm 22, recently graduated from Northwestern with a degree in Art History and Classics, headed towards law school. I'm from Texas but split my time between there and Chicago. I speak five languages, exactly two of which are useful. I enjoy awesome stuff and doing things. I'm particularly fond of Star Trek, Doctor Who, Marvel and books. And I share a surname with Iron Man.

    I'm bringing you Sirius Black ([info]blacksheep), who also has a notable and distinguished surname. He works for Werewolf Support Services, and puts his money where his mouth is by cohabiting with his werewolf friend, Remus (in separate, heterosexual bedrooms.) He ran away from his family at the age of 17, and now dedicates his life to the furtherance of their distress and annoyance. He's extremely handsome and quite charming, but he's also erratic, reckless and slightly (if undiagnosably) insane. If left unattended and asleep he is likely to wake up with something obscene drawn on his cheek. Possibly tattooed. Also he sometimes turns into a dog and picks fights with strangers. Not simultaneously. His tl;dr of an app is here.

    Also if Regulus, Marlene and Remus hook up in his flat he will have a rage black out and kill them all. :-|

    Plot? Friends? Enemies? Women scorned?




    Hey everyone, I'm Madeline, and I'm bringing you Thorfinn Rowle - 24 years old, Slytherin class of 1974. He's best known for being a very talented Quidditch player back in his house team, as a Beater, helping him get recruited into the pro-leagues on the Falmouth Falcons. And he was very good, winning awards and Rookie of the Year and MVPs, until he got banned from the game just a few months ago for "accidentally" killing the seeker of the Appleby Arrows during a match. So now he's. . .basically just sitting around his house in Wiltshire, in a downward spiral, waiting to be scooped up by the forming Knights of Walpurgis. He's massive and strong at 6 foot 5 (though he likes to lie and say he's really 6 foot 6), a human tank, and that is essentially all he knows he has going for him - though he's also pretty damn good at Expulso and other explosive, fiery spells, when he's not eating his weight in high-carb foods and sitting in his bathtub. His tl;dr app is HERE for your perusal.

    If you didn't go to school with him you've probably seen him play, or he's probably shagged one of your cousins or sisters or other assorted female relative at a fancy high society function. BUT WHAT AM I LOOKING FOR IN TERMS OF PLOT - everything and anything! Old classmates, his group of guyish friends, people that can manipulate him into joining the Knights of Walpurgis and working as a soldier for "the cause," people to see potential in him? Birds he's wronged? ANYTHING! You can reach me on AIM at getmeacampari, and I'm so excited to get started with all you amazing people!

    Apr. 16th, 2012


    OH HEY THERE, EVERYONE. I'm Kelsey and I bring you Barty Crouch, Jr. I'm a 21-year-old college student, which means I should be doing homework right now. I'm usuallyawesome on AIM and I will be on a hell of a lot more as soon as school ends on May 1st. I also just discovered a bunch of Jamie Bell gifs. Like this one.

    WHICH IS FREAKING ME OUT. I'm sharing it with you to break the awkward-intro-ice and also so that you can be scarred by the idea of a dancing Barty. YOU'RE WELCOME.

    Barty does not dance, because Barty is pretty much a prude. Barty is a very serious 18 year old and a former Slytherin. He's got a job at Obscurus Books on Diagon Alley, which he tolerates, because it gives him time to read and study on his own. He is ridiculously smart (12 OWLs, you know), crazy intense, focused, and driven - although since the Knights of Walpurgis haven't been formed yet, he's yet to apply that drive to anything of real importance. He usually hides that intensity from people, which he's gotten very good at. You may have heard of his father, Barty Sr, who's head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. They don't exactly have the best of relationships. His father's neglect has had a major impact on his life and continues to shape the person he's becoming doesn't matter to him at all, definitely not, and no, he doesn't want to talk about it. Shut up.

    GIVE ME ALL THE LINES. I'm open for anything and I long for as much interaction as humanly possible.

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