Aug. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Happy Hump Day everyone!

Did you know today is National Roller Coaster Day? Who went on a roller coaster today? I sure didn’t, unless you want to see me puke everywhere.

On that note, we lost four kids today (sad!) and gained one (yay!). Go here to run the friend’s button and update your lists.

Tomorrow is National #2 Pencil day but I think I’m going to celebrate National Black Cat Appreciation Day instead.

Until next time…

Aug. 13th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hello everyone. No adds tonight but a few notes.

There is a rule for the community that says new characters have 10 days to post in the msg community [info]charmcity_msg. There are 3 characters who are beyond their 10 days and have been warned. If you haven't made your post yet please do, we would like to keep you around!

I know some of us have been advertising and trying to get in new people. The more of us that advertise and talk storylines with people the more players and characters we can get in so go forth and advertise!

Also don't forget about the [info]charmcity_lines comm. There are still posts in there and its open so you can invite anyone else to come talk storylines.

Let's get this party going!

Aug. 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

Alright, finally getting this up. Sorry it has been a long time in the making. I am Jax and I bring these two wonderful men that are polar opposites.

First off is James Luther [info]j_luther, married to Jocelyn [info]jcelyn, the love off his life. Yes, so sweet. He is a warlock with his magic based in metal. He is also a craftsman that works metal and creates wonderful, and expensive, works of art. The lives with his wife and millions of children. We do need their kids! He kind, loving, stubborn. I would love to get him some friends and enemies.

Next is Issac Sin [Bad username: leather&sin], yes that is not his birth name. He is a vampire, former warlock, but not many people know this fact. If you know you are either a trusted friend or you have heard a rumor. He is extravagant and vain and if you notice anything about him is the leather, glitter, and eyeliner. I am looking for his sire, willing to change the name, he is resentful of the man for leaving him. I am also looking for friends, enemies, and the possibility of some great nieces and nephews that he happens upon. He had one sibling so he probably has relatives running around.

Aug. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

Happy Sunday everyone!

Let’s all welcome our new character [info]leathernsin, who is a vampire! So let’s run our friend’s button and welcome our new character.

Just a friendly reminder, once you are added into the game, please have your character post in the message community.
Since we are new, please feel free to advertise our game. You get two points towards activity every time you do.
Also if your character has a business and you want it added to the business directory, you can fill out the information request here

Let’s all have an amazing week! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Aug. 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

Welcome to Charm City! We have one new character!

  • James Luther - [info]j_luther

    Please run the Friends Button

  • Check out the [info]charmcity_lines community to talk about and plan out new storylines!
  • Please make sure to pimp us out and invite your friends so we can get some more people in here and really have some fun!
  • Let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions!
  • Aug. 1st, 2017



    [No Subject]

    Dear Fellow Players,
    I regret to inform you I'm here, and I'm ready to rumble. Do not be sad, for I am weak yet mighty. I will wash your underwear happily in the rivers of disbelief and insanity. I'm sorry, I should tell you my internet penname. That would be Oak. I know, nothing flashy, but it means I am a sentient tree and we'll be taking over soon.

    I have a character with the potential of one more coming by this Sunday. My only character for right now is Eros. A love demon who was created for the sole purpose of creating and making deals for those who long for certain people. He thrives on making romantic dreams come true and has for over a thousand years. Eventually he found himself in Baltimore in the 1970's, where he forged a fake identity and opened a matchmaking business. From there he ended up making deals in the love and lust departments, matching people the 'normal' way, and turning sad excuse for humans into viable dating options. His matchmaking service is bow and arrow, in a beautiful home in Federal Hill, of the flagship neighborhood. It's understandable since this is a place with a lot of eligible singles.

    As for who he is a person, he's kind, caring and generally a good... demon. He doesn't really feel like he should be a demon because of what he was made for. He feels like he should be an angel, and he admires the heavens, angels and god, wishing he could be a part of that. He really doesn't want stripped of his powers or killed, so he keeps it to himself. Like a lot of demons, I imagine, he's very good at manipulation. There's an edge to him that suggests he's always plotting. Twenty five years before your soul is taken or your first unborn/adopted child. He'll take either.

    Oh, and he could use employees. Those who love to make sure people get the love they seek too. They can even hate him or love/hate him, because while he's a caring demon, he can be quite the dick too.

    I would like to plot and start threading right away. Tickle my branches and caress my leaves. I'll be waiting.

    a very old tree



    [No Subject]

    Welcome to Charm City!
    We have 14 characters to start us off. *WOOHOO* Please make sure to pimp us out and invite your friends so we can get some more people in here and really have some fun!

  • Jeffrey Chamberlain - [info]jchamber
  • Misha Nikolaevich - [info]mishan
  • Owen Damien - [info]justowen
  • Roman Sokolov - [info]sokolovr

  • Jocelyn Luther - [info]jcelyn
  • Mercer Rayne - [info]mercyrayne

  • Lilith Southeil  - [info]lilsouth

  • Lucille Valenti - [info]lucilu
  • Nathan Grey “Quo” - [info]greythan
  • Noel Farand - [info]noelfarand
  • Thomas Fitzroy - [info]thomaseternal
  • Vincent Valenti - [info]vvincent

  • Dana Shepard (Abaddon) - [info]hellsdana
  • Eros King - [info]erosk

    Check out the [info]charmcity_lines community to talk about and plan out new storylines!

    Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions!
  • Jul. 25th, 2017




    testing OOC layout