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Back January 3rd, 2012 Forward
Confundo! Mod [userpic]

Confundo (via [info]confundomod) is a Marauders Era game set in MWPP's 7th year, now 1978.  Students are due back at Hogwarts later this week, and for some it will be their final term at school.  There are rumors of war, brought closer to home by the Christmas murder of Muggle Studies professor Blenheim Stalk.

The game's quirk is that Dumbledore has instituted an group journal ([info]confundoanon), where students can post whatever they'd like, anonymously.  It's created quite the fun and (IC) drama so far!

We're looking for more people to join in the fun, and some specific roles as well:

  • Siblings!  We are in serious need of some siblings of currently played characters.  Amelia Bones (younger sister of Eddie, via [info]eddiebo), Amycus Carrow (older brother of Alecto, via [info]purepetual), Kaylee Brocklehurst (twin sister of Andy, via [info]andybrockApollo Selwyn (older brother of Cassandra, via [info]noprophet), Niall Mullet (twin brother of Saoirse, via [info]flyingfish), Edward Dobbs (twin brother of Pippa, via [info]truthoutthere), and Marlowe McKinnon (younger brother of Marlene, via [info]warmly)!  In most of these cases, only the character's name, age, and house have been specified.  You'd have built-in plot with instant family, and free range to create a character however you'd like to do so!

  • Meghan McCormack, Dorcas Meadowes, or Xenophilius Lovegood perhaps?

  • In general, we really need Ravenclaws, 6th year students, and quidditch players!


Back January 3rd, 2012 Forward