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Back January 2nd, 2012 Forward
Pandora's Box Mods [userpic]

Why not start the new year by joining us over at [info]pandorarpg? We're looking for plenty of characters!

We'd love Gryffindors like Lee Jordan, Oliver Wood, and Parvati Patil!

Give us Hufflepuffs like Susan Bones, Megan Jones, Hannah Abbott, and Stebbins.

Ravenclaws: Luna Lovegood, Terry Boot, Padma Patil, Mandy Brocklehurst, Cho Chang and more!

We need Slytherins, especially Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode and Gregory Goyle!

We'd also some older generation characters. Molly, Arthur, Lucius, Narcissa, ministry workers, former Order members and Death Eaters, professors, shop-owners etc., we need you all. See our wanted page for more!

Back January 2nd, 2012 Forward