March 2010

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November 12th, 2009

[info]chaosrpg_mod in [info]chaostheory_ooc

New Activity Policy

In follow-up to our last mod post about game activity, we've got a new activity rule that's gonna be added to the rules page in about five minutes.
1) Post within three days of joining, or you're going to be removed.
This policy has been in place since day one.

2) Please do not be more than five days behind on your tags UNLESS you are on a mod-granted hiatus.
Common sense, I know. But it needs to be stated for it to be a game-wide rule, so I'm stating it.

3) If you are swamped with real life issues and know you will need extra time, please post in the OOC community and let the game (and the mods) know so you're not removed.
For example see this post

4) Mods are not activity nazis. We check when we see someone has been waiting awhile for a tag. That means random checks.
Like today's.

5) Activity lapses get one warning. If your activity lapses again, you will be removed.
This is only fair; other infractions only receive one warning, and really, why are you in a game if you're going to have to be constantly nagged to post?

6) If you are inactive with your current character, you will not be allowed to pick up a second until your activity with the first shows you can handle it.
More of the "duh" school of thought, but again, posting it explicitly to make sure it's known. You can also drop one character that you're not comfortable with, and pick up another if you talk with the mods first.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get on to the meat of the matter: our current post roster. Any post NOT listed here had been tagged within three days of the check; if I missed a thread and you are waiting on a tag, please let me know so I can add it to the list!

New/Untagged )

Posts Waiting For Tags (Current) )

Posts Waiting For Tags (Players on Hiatus/Busy )

Moderator Closed Due To Inactivity )

[info]bloodspeaks in [info]chaostheory_ooc


No, I don't watch Glee, actually.


I am throwing a gif party, because, well, extra cheer is always fun. Bring your macros, your gifs, your YouTube vidslinks~! It's a free for all fun time!

so i totally have to post these~ )

Now, off, play with you!

pssst, if you need some, and ONTD = great places to nab ones. :]