Project Chaos Redux

August 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'glee:+quinn+fabray+%28notadisgrace%29'

Jul. 19th, 2018



Lila is getting so big, and it's so awesome. Every day when I go to Stephanie and Jimmy's to see her she knows something new. And she recognizes me and she is always super pumped to see me. Well as much as a baby can be. I think she knows that I love her!

I was thinking that Elliephant and Jellybean would be big enough to come with me to visit her soon, so they could see where she lives instead of her always coming here. Can they???




Did you want to go on a date before summer is over? I would find someone to watch Jellybean and I'd make it super romantic and stuff.

You deserve it. Whatever you want.

Kit Kat and Jellybean, and Quinn

Do you guys want to go somewhere as like a family before we have to go back to school? I think it would be fun!

Mar. 10th, 2018



I'm so exhausted. Charlotte keeps making sure to kick whenever I think I'm falling asleep.

And she's strong. I don't know which one of us she gets it from but I am starting to curse our athleticism.


Can you bring Jellybean to visit soon?




What would Jellybean like from the Easter Bunny?


I am thinking of going to school to become a teacher, do you think I'd be good at it?

Mar. 9th, 2018



I'm really freaked out about giving birth.

It's going to hurt really badly and it's two months away but that's not very far away at all.

Feb. 15th, 2018



Elliephant's here! All grown up! Baby Elliephant wasn't that impressed when I woke her up to tell her, but I'm so pumped.

Feb. 3rd, 2018



Lily’s here! Jimmy brought her to see me and she got to meet my mom and dad. Mom and Dad let me skip school to get to know her. I let her see Elliephant again so she would realize being here wasn’t that scary and I brought her to Mom’s to meet baby Jellybean. I think she likes her sisters.

And after we went to DC. Today we are going to the zoo!

Jan. 14th, 2018



Finn and I got married New Year's Day, and it's been the happiest time of my life. I'm so excited that we're really going to spend the rest of our lives together, and I can't wait for Honey and Sugar to come and meet the best father they could ever ask for. May seems so far away.

Our wedding pictures haven't come back yet but here's a photo of us in Hawaii.

It was really beautiful and I felt like a princess. But Finn always makes me feel that way.


How is Miss Jellybean? May I visit soon?



I miss Lily so much still and she's probably born by now, but I can't make her come here so I'm trying to make the best of it.

Jellybean loves me so much, especially when the other Finn lets me bring Elliephant over to have baby playdates with her! Can you believe he would rather nap? I love her too. She smiles at me!

Dec. 26th, 2017



Finn felt Honey and Sugar kick for the first time today. It was the coolest experience ever.


When you're up to it, I would love to come see the baby and maybe spend some time with her so you can recuperate.



Elliephant had an exciting day! Not only was it Christmas, but she has a new baby sister! SO I brought her to meet her once Q and Jellybean had gotten some rest. Ellie was curious to meet a littler baby. She babbled at her! And she was glad to see her mom. The three of them napped together. Jellybean wanted me to hold her so I sang to her for a little bit.


I'm sorry I didn't go with you to the hospital and help you have the baby like the others. I think it would have scared Ellie a little bit.

Church didn't really help me understand anything though.

Dec. 19th, 2017



Characters: Finn and Quinn
Location: Their room at Finn's house
Time: after school
Warnings: idk tbd
Summary: Finn and Quinn have quality time together before baby Jellybean is born
Status: closed; in progress




Jellybean finally gave me another hint! She says by this time next week she'll be here. Oh, so cool. I know Q wants to meet her just as bad as I do!


Happy Birthdaykuh! Get it? Cause it was Hanukkah and your birthday? I hope you guys had a great day! Did Jewish Santa bring you presents?


Q is having Jellybean like any day now. Do you want me to tell you when she's finally coming?


One week more until she comes! The best news ever.


What do you and Jellybean say about going to church with us Christmas Eve?

Dec. 16th, 2017



Thanks everyone for coming to our baby shower. Q and I had a good time.


Can I sing to her?


How are you doing, Mama?

Dec. 10th, 2017



God this sucks. None of my clothes fit and everything I try on makes it so obvious that I'm showing.

I feel like if I ate the contents of a Chinese restaurant and topped it off with a Mexican place, Charlotte still wouldn't be satisfied,


How am I supposed to handle all these cravings? They're horrible. And never ending.

[info]tinywitch and [info]agoodthingright

My hormones are acting up in other ways. Chinese isn't the only craving I have tonight.

Dec. 7th, 2017




Do you want a baby shower for you and Jellybean?

glee people and friends and relatives of glee people

I want to throw a baby shower for Quinn and Jellybean! Would anyone like to go?

Dec. 5th, 2017



Characters: Finn [info]imdonewithyou and Quinn [info]notadisgrace
Location: Quinn's house
Time: after school
Summary: Finn brings baby Elliephant over to spend time with one of her moms.
Status: closed/incomplete


Dec. 3rd, 2017



This month is the BEST MONTH EVER. Not only is it Christmas and my dad is here to celebrate it with me but it’s also the month that Jellybean is coming. I can’t wait to meet her and sing her Jingle Bells (Kit Kat said I get to!) and get to know her!

I don’t think she’s ready to come out yet though, she seems super happy just to kick for me! And of course her other dads.


Babe how are you feeling? Is she doing okay?

Nov. 26th, 2017



Elliephant is getting so big now, she is turning into a little person with her own personality. She's 14 weeks old!

It just makes me sad that she doesn't have her mom here. I mean there are other Quinns but wouldn't it be like super awkward for them to be her mom too? I wouldn't even know how to ask them.