Project Chaos Redux

August 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'glee:+quinn+fabray+%28notadisgrace%29'

Nov. 19th, 2017




Want to come over for thanksgiving dinner? I will make a furkey! For you and the other Rachels and your dad!


Hey how are you feeling? You think Jellybean will come on thanksgiving?

Oct. 30th, 2017




I'm so tired.

I just wanted to spend all day asleep in bed but Quinn said that we had to go to school. I dunno why but I didn't really think it would be a good idea to stay home if Q is so super close (less than 2 months!) to having Jellybean and she wanted to go. I would totes skip school if I was super preggers. Maybe that's why she gets better grades than me?

Jellybean woke me up today, anyways. She kicked super hard! And it was so cool. She's like my little alarm clock. Maybe Q will nap with me when we get home.

Oct. 28th, 2017



It kind of sucks that Elliephant is here but Lily Drizzle will probably never show up. It sucks a lot.

AND I’ll probably have to be nice to Burt in order to see Jellybean and Kit Kat, which blows because I didn’t like the Burt I knew in Storybrooke.


What did you decide?

Oct. 19th, 2017



This place gives me a headache sometimes. Okay, most of the time.


How are you feeling, honey?


Christopher? Are you really here?

Oct. 14th, 2017



network post: quinn fabray

Hey Finn, can I talk to you about something?

Oct. 3rd, 2017




Hey. Um. When I got here Rachel said that you're having a baby and you're keeping it and letting me be in the baby's life?

Is that true?

Sep. 9th, 2017



Who: Finn ([info]quarterbackhud) and Quinn ([info]notadisgrace)
What: 'idk hanging out together I guess'
When: after their latest network post.



Look what Finn, Finn, and I worked on for baby Jellybean! It looks so cool, and I hope she likes it! She deserves the bestest baby stuff ever because she and Kit Kat are the bestest daughters ever.


I miss you now that you and the other Rachel live with your dad again. Do you want to go out again soon?

Aug. 27th, 2017




I read on the internet that babies like to be read to. Can I read Jellybean this stupid book I have to read for summer reading?


Wanna do something together before school starts?

Jul. 30th, 2017



BOTH my daughters are here. This is AMAZING.


Can we go to Lima so I can see Jellybean and meet Kit Kat?


If I came to see the kids would you like anything to eat from NYC? Would coming to see them bother you?

Jul. 29th, 2017



Jellybean likes when I read to her! She calms right down and I think she's listening. I have all these books that are like actually for kids. Mom had them from when I was younger! And big Jellybean joins us sometimes! She's definitely getting bigger though, every day I can feel her more and more. I don't know how I'm gonna wait until December.


I just wanted to let you know that I thought you looked beautiful today. Super gorgeous.

I want to go someplace with Jellybean before school starts, can we?

May. 21st, 2017




How mad are you at me right now?


Hi Mama!

May. 14th, 2017




Happy first mother's day, Q. Hope Frankenteen was good to his baby mama.


Do you really want a baby, Britts?



Happy Mother's Day to my awesome Mom, who's had to be both Mom and Dad for me since Dad died. I hope you have the best day ever.

And I wanna wish Quinn a happy Mother's Day, because she's just as much of a mother now carrying our daughter in her belly as she will be next year when Jellybean is born. Jellybean and I love you so much, babe.

May. 10th, 2017



I think Cici likes when I interact with her. She's a good little Jellybean. Quinn definitely likes it.

I think I'm getting better at the dad thing.



Who: Finn ([info]dontwannabethat) and Quinn ([info]notadisgrace)
What: COD and Cuddles (and crooning to Carly)
Where: their bedroom
When: Tuesday evening
Warnings: TBD



Life's pretty sweet. I get the girl that I love and she loves me back. And in a few months our little Jellybean will be born. She's the most luckiest baby in the world, having three dads. I'm jealous.




SO. Does the baby have a name yet? Is everything going good with her?

May. 7th, 2017




I have an idea for an awesome baby name.