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June 7th, 2008

Note to the manager

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She wrote out her note, and signed it, putting it into the tubing.

It read:

To whom it may concern:

I am coming here first. I have a sick set of baby chipmunks I rescued, as well as a rescued baby fox pup(not sick but could use the nutrients of baby formula). I don't know if the pups are sensitive to the formula so there is regular formula and then there is special formula for sensitive tummies. I need infant formula and I need infant related medicines. Like liquid baby aspirin, Benadryl, Maalox. I am coming here before I head to the clinic or Manny. I am afraid to give them lollipops due to the sugar content and the fact that candy and animals do not mix well. I am used to treating animals because of my mother. I know infant formula medications and formula is totally fine for them. Baby bottles and eye droppers, ear wax cleaners, long q-tips and animals nail clippers are also all appreciated. Do I need to see Manny, Ana or you? I figure I go to one place at a time and cancel out one resource at a time.

Layla Williams-Scott.

She sat back with Frack in hand. A hot water bottle and a fluffy towel wrapped around the little girl chipmunk.
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