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August 5th, 2008

Free As A Bird - Mixer

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Who: Emma DeLauro & Abby Sciuto - Mixer
Where: In the Clinic.
When: During the daytime, I would imagine...
Summary: Mixer! As one of her first tasks working at the Clinic, Abby is going to visit Emma. :)
Rating: We'll say PG until further notice.

Abby was a little nervous about visiting the woman who had been in a coma since the explosion. She hadn't met her before, so there wasn't any common ground, and she didn't know anything about her, really. She'd brought along a few books and her iPod and was ready to talk away the time, too, if that's what Emma DeLauro wanted...

Hoping that her slightly toned-down wardrobe of black and spikes wasn't too alarming, she took a deep breath, let it out again slowly, and knocked on the wall near the curtained area.
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