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Skipped Back 20

February 11th, 2008


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She had just said goodbye to Derek. The real one. He had left too, just like everybody else had. Why couldn't someone stay with her?
Her mother and Ellie were dead, Derek was leaving that night, her father was far away: she herself didn't even know where anymore.
And her friends didn't need her either: Nathan and Haley were as happy as could be and Lucas had left her behind too.
She sighed while opening the door.
She really didn't feel like going to bed so she passed her room's door and went up the stairs to the attic. She rummaged around until she found a box with her old toys inside.
Then she sat down on the floor and pulled her old stuffed toys out of it. They took her back to a time when her father was home and her mother was alive, before fate took her life and turned upside down for his own enjoyment.
She found a cube under the pile of toys, a sort of wooden box.
"I don't remember anything like it" she thought. And opened it.
Thirteen small pieces fell on the floor and arranged themselves as a picture.
She saw a flash of blinding green light and closed her eyes.
When she opened them again she wasn't in the attic any longer. She wasn't even in her own house.
She was outside, the night air chilling her through her evening dress. And she was in front of a lake.
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