Resisting the Urge to Join Challenges' Journal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in Resisting the Urge to Join Challenges' InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, February 5th, 2008
    12:15 pm
    Before today, I had about three hundred and fifty claims outstanding in fic challenge communities, most of which hadn't been updated in months, if not longer. After today, I have one hundred and ninety-four, only one of which is for a community that is actually regulated.

    I really think that this is a step in the right direction.

    It wasn't easy, especially since some of those claims are for fandoms that don't get much fic. I still get this twinge of "but I have to write them because if I don't no one else will!" when I think about having dropped them. But clearly I'm not writing them, and I might as well focus my energy on the things that I'm likely to write at some point within the next freakin' year.
    Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
    9:09 pm
    This community started in response to posts by [info]puella_nerdii and [info]sister_coyote, who were both mentioning that the plethora of challenges has resulted in too much of writing for a deadline, and not enough of writing for oneself.

    Welcome to [info]challenge_free, where I promise we will never put up fic challenges, and where you are free to discuss your issues and challenges with, well, challenges!

    As for myself: I am committed to three fics for [info]het_challenge and one for the FF Het community on LJ. I will be participating in Yuletide, and that's it. I think I may even manage to hold myself to only one prompt for the October round of Springkink on LJ.

    I've been writing an awful lot of words this year, but very little of it was what I wanted to write (although one or two prompts fit perfectly with things I'd planned to write anyway!) Since last November I've written over 100,000 words of fic, and nearly all of it was for someone/something else.

    So! What stories do you have of overclaiming challenges?

    (My finest/poorest moment was in April, when I had ten fics due and wrote 26,500 words of fic in the month but didn't really like most of them!)
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