Dec. 31st, 2007


Kicking things off

Since I can't expect people to start posting fic within the first few days (unless any of you have any that you've posted elsewhere and you want to repost here) I'm going to try and start some discussion.

So - introduce yourselves. Tell me a little about who you are and what you're hoping to see here. Post any links you think we'd be interested in. And we'll start with a simple question - we've seen Europe, China, the Ottoman Empire, Africa ... where would you like to see next, or where would you like to see more of if it's somewhere we've already been, and why?

I'll start you all off.

I'm Joe, your mod. I'm British and, despite my name, female. I'm currently hugely addicted to the Temeraire books, but I loved Master and Commander (the film, I haven't read the books), the Horatio Hornblower tv movies, and Pirates of the Caribbean as well and run [info]ageofsail for fic and art about age of sail fiction. I know Temeraire is technically not about ships but when I recommend it to people I call it Hornblower, but on dragons. It has the same general feel. I love the whole feel of the period, the clothing, the adventures, and of course the way the character interactions differ from today because of rank/class and etiquette. I'm an historian (although this isn't the period I studied) and a geek so I am a huge fan of accuracy. I think research really makes a story set in this period come alive and it drives me insane when I see anachronisms. I love how well the Temeraire books bring alive the period and countries they travel through.

I have to make a confession - I haven't read the fourth book yet. My best friend raved about the series and then ranted for *hours* about the ending and not wanting to wait so long for book five so I'm holding off till we're a little closer to book five coming out. I'll start on it soon though. So I can't talk about Africa but the place I'd really like to see is America. South America would be cool too but I really want to see North American and the Native Americans with their dragons. I want to see how and if the presence of dragons has changed things from how history unfolded in our world and I am intrigued about the idea of one rider per dragon instead of a whole crew.

Useful links )

Dec. 30th, 2007


Welcome Post

Welcome to the IJ Temeraire Community.

Please read the rules on the user info before posting. Feel free to post a brief introduction if you want to.

And on that topic -

My name is Joe and I'm your mod. I'm 31 and British and a serial establisher of IJ asylums. This is my ninth. I'm a huge fan of the books and I hope we can get some good discussion going here. Please just dive right in with your thoughts and feel free to post fic of all kinds. Personally I'd love to see some good artwork too.
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September 2008



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