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Cedar Wells

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[14 Aug 2013|06:22pm]
Little did everyone know that included in the already incredibly gracious Cedar Wells welcome package was a free (and mandatory) course in Dendrology.

Yes, I had to google that. Learning is fun! Side effects may include occasional blackouts.


Mandatory bff check-in. Did you get the sippy-cup labeled ADULT BEVERAGE that I left for you? It took a certain amount of recon, considering I had to watch and see which apartment was yours. But, hey, no sweat for investigator chick.
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Text: Chester [14 Aug 2013|07:33pm]
» Not coming in to work today
» Cover for me?
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[14 Aug 2013|10:35pm]
These mortals do not seem to understand the meaning of go away.
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[ viewing | August 14th, 2013 ]
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