New face, same project.

Hello and welcome! CDJs is a reboot of hellomycdjis, the original community being handed over to us by the original creator to revive and run in their absence.

CDJs is the exact same concept, just with a rename, reorganized tags, and updated design. Check out the rules and guidelines to the left of this post, and then post your CDJ to connect with other writers!

Posts Tagged: 'admin:+tagging+guide'



Tagging Guide

We strongly recommend tagging your post! If you don't, your CDJ will be lost to everyone except those willing to browse all entries as it gets further from the front page. Another thing to keep in mind is that a well-tagged entry also means there's such a thing as too many tags. Add ANY applicable tags, and don't be shy! But don't feel like you need to add fandoms/genres that you would play if presented to you, but that you aren't on the hunt for.

For example, Player A is interested in original character games to join, but they've done panfandom before and would give a game a go if presented to them. They're not overly interested in it, but they don't dislike it either! Tagging with both will probably get you a lot of offers you might not be as excited for as others, even if you'd be willing to do them. We suggest tagging with only the things you're excited about or actively interested in, and not everything you've ever done/would do if asked.

If you have a "longshot fandom" let us know ASAP! I personally have a lot of those, and we'd love to include yours in the tags for you in hopes that you find someone else who's also into that fandom.

Fandom and original character preferences.
Level and type of graphic content you're okay with/interested in.
All your favorite fandoms, or leave this tag off if you don't do fandom-based writing.
Any genres that interest you. If you like a combo genre, like comedy horror, just use both individual tags, please. We won't be adding hyper specific genre tags.
looking for
The types of games/GPSLs and/or PSLs you're looking for.
Shipping interests, romantic and non-romantic.
The minimum age you're comfortable with for your writing partners.
Your age range.