we're all mad here -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Cheshire Crossings

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[28 Feb 2010|12:23am]
A note attached to the board, handwriting cursive but neat... )
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[28 Feb 2010|01:49am]
Scribbled in a messy, left-handed scrawl... )
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[28 Feb 2010|08:48am]
Written in neat handwriting, in a black fine-point pen on white paper )
12 comments|post comment

[28 Feb 2010|12:26pm]
Email to Dr. Bat-- strikeouts cannot be read )
4 comments|post comment

[28 Feb 2010|06:23pm]
Taped to the board. )
117 comments|post comment

[28 Feb 2010|11:28pm]
Tucked in Dr. Reid's office door )
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[ viewing | February 28th, 2010 ]
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