October 31st, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Tsuzuki
Where: His living space
When: October 30th; post dinner
What: Narrative of feels
Status: Complete
Warnings: Uhhh...mentions of character death, the word 'zombie' once, ridiculous engagement shenanigans...idk

I'm just playing along )



[No Subject]

Who: Emrys and Nico
Where: By the libary
When: October 29, after classes
What: Nico is trying to find alone time again with a charming little ravenclaw.
Status: Closed/In progress

We just bumped into each other I promise. )



[No Subject]

Who: Molly and Gabe
When: Friday October 30, after classes
Where: Slytherin common
What: birthday gifting
Rating/Warnings: none really.
Status: Closed/Complete

Read more... )



Do I not have any courage?

Who: Raava and Wan
Where: Her office and elsewhere?
When: 10/25 11:45
Warning: TBD probably low
Status: Closed // In Progress
What would be the right thing to do? )