A Word From The Captains
Here you'll find links to polls, interviews, news, featured stories, and editor's choice. Now let's get out to The Pitch and ogle a few good Quidditch Players!

June 2009
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For those of you who know [info]madam_minnie you know that her beloved grandmother has been struggling with Alzheimers disease.

Alzheimers is a cruel disease not only because of what it does to your body but it does the worse thing of all it steals your memories.

[info]madam_minnie's grandmother has lost her fight with this horrible disease.

While I don't want to give out personal information in an open forum if you are interested in donating or just sending sympathy wishes to [info]madam_minnie and her family.

Please contact Annie

Or you can contact any of The Captains via Email.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to [info]madam_minnie and her family.