Aug. 13th, 2014


[No Subject]

Vitruvius, people. Vitruvius.

He may or may not be actually blind, but he wants you to think he is. Maybe he has powers.

Aug. 12th, 2014


[No Subject]

Oh, look, you can have 20 characters now. Since the point of this game is to be laidback and slowish since we're all working or parents or busy with other stuff, just talk to who you play with and make sure to backdate things.

Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see listwise and such!

Aug. 6th, 2014



[No Subject]


Howdy, y'all! It's Umbrae, Thor's mun! Sorry about the slow, but I've got the attention span of a gnat sometimes, and I've been doing the whole shopping around/getting permits n' stuff for some home improvement projects, which has eaten up some time the past couple of weeks.

I'm insane enough to bring in this other glorious fucker headmuse I've been wanting to rp with for a while: Loki, of Asgard. He's chock-full of glorious purpose, and has popped in as a Las Vegas magician. He's addicted to applause n' theatrics, enjoys feats of 'hypnosis' on 'volunteers' from the audience, and is actively trying to give people heart attacks for his own mean-spirited lil' giggle fits. If someone dies, then Loki thinks that even negative publicity is good publicity...since something inside of him is all TAKE ME SRSLY YOU GUYS at everyone cuz he's adopted, a blue runt of a frost giant, and he's an angsty lil' shit or w/e. Pfft.

I think Thor will be like a little bit 'yay' and a whole lot of 'wait...oh noes' at this development, but I'm going to see if I can juggle them both. One's backstabby and magicalness, and the other is all lightning hammer go smashy, so I'm sure it'll result in me having one helluva headache. Huzzah.

Anyhoo, y'all can read more about Loki here: [info]the_trickster, so I can STFU and stop blabbing about him.

My other toon that I just started posting with is Pete Wisdom ([info]mister_wisdom) from Marvel comics. He's a Brit spy and an asshat, even if he's a well-meaning asshat. His superpower is sarcasm. He's one of the good guys tho, even if he has no problemo with black ops assignments. Someone's got to do the dirty work, sometimes.

That is all! Hope all is well with you guys. <3 If anyone wants to do a log or enjoy some measure of blatant retardation n' geekery, feel free to comment or email me. Thanks! o/

(edit 8/16/14 - dad's having some tummy issues, which we're trying to tweak some meds to fix it. Hopefully all will be well! And that I'll be able to post soon! Sorry about the delay and me being a sloth, everybody. I feel like suck, even when people tell me they understand about me being awol. ;_; thankgoodnessfornoactivitychecks¬havingtosubmityetanotherhiatus.)

Jul. 30th, 2014



[No Subject]

This is Crystal! Bringing in Gaius! He is Merlin and Nimue's son and Melora's verbal vomit-soaker.

Jul. 29th, 2014



[No Subject]

Hey, does anyone listen to Thrilling Adventure Hour? I would totally love a Frank Doyle~

Jul. 25th, 2014



[No Subject]

Hey guys!

So sorry I have been quiet on you lately. I've been pretty overwhelmed with RL stuff the past couple of weeks, but I'm going to make more of an effort to be online more often and check in here. I just finished dropping all of my other games so this game is the only one I will be writing at for now. With that said, I'm probably going to be dropping all of the characters here that I don't already have lines with just to keep my stress level in check. I'll be keeping: Lily Evans, Wolverine, Nienor Niniel, Natasha Romanoff, Pepper Potts & Stiles Stilinski which I think are the only characters that have active lines right now. If not, feel free to poke me!

I'll play some catch up tomorrow, so feel free to link me to things I may have missed or poke me on whatever you need from me!

Much love!

Jul. 24th, 2014



[No Subject]

I changed Carol's PB to Katheryn Winnick. That is all.

Jul. 23rd, 2014



I feel kind of bad for bringing this up here, but I'm out of a job right now so I'm opening up commissions so I can get a little closer to being able to make rent while I job search (never working for WalMart again, I swear.

Here's a link to the info post on that and even if you don't want anything or don't have money for it maybe you could mention it to someone else?

Please and thank you.

Jul. 19th, 2014



[No Subject]

Sarah again. Two more for me; Fillmore Press has already posted, he's your friendly neighborhood supervillian who got converted into a nice guy against his will.

And this is one Damon Salvatore who thinks the TV shows are absolute shit - but funny! - and leans more toward the books. He's lazy evil. He's basically a cat. If he's fed and has someone to rub his tummy, he probably won't hurt anyone.




[No Subject]

Cara and Alice Morgan, at your service. If you haven't watched Luther, Alice is a delightful, charming sociopath, with a fascination for the main character. Though she's telling me it at least started out as perfectly academic.



[No Subject]

Hi kids. Jewels here again.

Okay so this is Lauren Blackwell from a tiny game called Blackwell Unbound. It's a point and click game that's got the whole 90s pixelated feel to it. Technically there's five games in total that are the Blackwell series, but Lauren's only in the second one. It's a prequel game set in the 70s.

Basics: Lauren is a medium. She sees and talks to ghosts and helps them move on. It's her job. She does this with the help of her spirit guide, Joey Mallone. Joey is a spirit from the 1930s. He's got a fedora and everything. Joey can't leave Lauren's side. So she doesn't get a lot of privacy and he's constantly there.

I'm going to be NPC'ing Joey since they're attached (he can go a couple of rooms over but that's it).

Everything you could possibly want to know about how the medium thing works I put for you here. You can watch all of the Blackwell games (they're actually pretty damn short. I finished all five in a day) on youtube. Or they're on steam where you can play them all for 15 bucks.

I would ADORE if someone would watch/play the others so someone might want to play Joey or Rosangela (Lauren's niece all grown up and the main character in the games). Seriously. I would beg for someone to watch and play them. Pretty please.

Links to watching the games. )

Jul. 16th, 2014



[No Subject]

Hello to all. I'm Mary and I know a good number of you. I'm sort of starting this game with a hiatus, in the sense that I am taking my time to deal with some RL job stuff first. But I am here and I bring you the following:

Frodo Baggins - [info]theseabell - He was part of another name and comes with a wife and family who are already here.

And... that's it for now. I have a few others planned, but they are not ready just yet. Still, I wanted to say Hello and let you know that I am reading posts. :)

Jul. 12th, 2014



Hi all my buddies!

Mandy here, with a late introduction post. I know most of you. Since the last time I've played with some of you, I've acquired this tiny human being that is FINALLY asleep. She takes a lot of time and attention, so I'm slower than I used to be. You can still find me on AIM, but don't judge me for typos. It's super-hard to type with your boob in someone's mouth.

I think my roster is:

[info]withyouforever Rose Tyler (Doctor Who), from the end of season two. I'm not doing the stuff where she comes back later, because I don't like it as much.
[info]hiptomyjive Sirius Black, (Harry Potter), Marauder Era. He will try to get up just about any skirt except for Lily Evans, because frankly, he's a little bit terrified of her.
[info]speediest Mia Dearden (Green Arrow). She's one of Green Arrow's sidekicks. She's had a rough life. She's a little cranky right now, and probably in need of a mentor.
[info]little_elf_lost Merrill (Dragon Age). She's got a bit of canon from another RPG (Valar) where she's married to Frodo Baggins. She's an elementary school teacher.
[info]witchofthewilds Morrigan (Dragon Age). She's a bitch, and I'm sorry. It's mostly all bark. Mostly.
[info]rockstarkimber Kimber Benton (Jem and the Holograms). She's a pop star.
[info]smallbutdeadly Melora Baggins, one of Merrill and Frodo's kids from the future. She's crazy.
[info]burnishmebright Corinth is an OC. He/she was a lust demon that fell in love and became an angel.

There's a couple others on the backburner, we will see what happens.

Jul. 11th, 2014


[No Subject]

Hello friends I am here!

Name's Aaron, and I've actually heard quite a bit about this place and the peeps therein from my good buddy Sage. So I'm kind of uber excited to be a part of this and even more so to toss Sollux into a thing that has the potential to be amazing. I play a LOT of stucks, but he's one of my personal favorites. Got a char or two for other canons as well, but like hell am I gonna track down a PB for Batou (yet, anyway).

Anywho, I'mma go poke around before I get rambly atcha. Peace!

Edit: Also wanted to add that with my current work schedule, I might not be really active for 3/4 of the week. 9 hour overnights and the rest of the time trying to sleep make for not real quick tags. But I will try regardless.



[No Subject]

Hey kids. Jewels here. I thought I'd list all my lovely pups. You know I'm easily enabled so if there's someone you want me to play, you just say "Hey, Play ____" and I'll do it. Seriously, I'm that easy.

1. Joan Watson [info]womanwithastory from Elementary
2. Darcy Lewis [info]getstheircoffee From MCU
3. Carol Danvers [info]feelseverything from Marvel comics
4. Helena [info]lightinyou from Orphan Black
5. Lydia Martin [info]immunetothebite from Teen Wolf

People I'd like to see in game: Sherlock Holmes, Loki, Spider-Woman, all the other clones and Peter Hale.



[No Subject]

Yo hi! It's me, Sage! I'm coming back with this persnickty angel, Raziel, as well as Dib (of Invader Zim) Bill (ostensibly of POTC but we all know that's a load of BS), and a new puppet of Homestuck canon. Don't worry, I won't quirk at you, and I assure you, he's completely tame. Sorta. He's douchey.

Anyway! I'm down with picking up ANY of my old puppets if you ask it of me, and as always, my AIM is a1000cuts and skype is CuriouslyHigh if you wanna grab my attention.


Jul. 7th, 2014



[No Subject]

I'm an idiot and didn't introduce myself. Hi! I'm Sarah and I'm technically the mod (though I see it more as housekeeper, or occasional disgruntled landlord) of this here thinger, and this is who I'm playing.

1. [info]the_redlady - Calliope Sedant - OC / Previous Game
2. [info]virginal_ - The Virgin Mary - OC (Bible) / Previous Game
3. [info]heyheylisten - Navi - Legend of Zelda / Previous Game
4. [info]all_knowing - Penelope Garcia - Criminal Minds / Previous Game
5. [info]toitshour - Candy Quackenbush - The Abarat Quintet
6. [info]putoutthefire - Zelda McCoy - OC / Previous Game
7. [info]agreatprince - Michael - OC (Bible) / Previous Game
8. [info]bloodonsnow - Kirsty Cotton - Hellraiser (Comics)
9. [info]laniidae - Abigail Hobbs - Hannibal (TV) / Previous Game
10. [info]doubleup - Dean Winchester - Supernatural / Previous Game
11. [info]four_leaves - Alyssa Hamilton - Clocktower 3 / Previous Game
12. [info]justrikku - Rikku - Final Fantasy
13. [info]gla_represent - Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl) - Marvel Comics
14. [info]blackberrywine - Theophilia Flowers - The Vampire Diaries

I know, that's a lot of ... stuff. Some of you will know a lot of them, some of you will know some of them, and some of you will know none of them, but that's cool! if you have any questions, feel free to come at me with 'em!

Jul. 6th, 2014



A Note On Christian Grey

Hi, hi, it's Cara. I wanted to clue you guys in that weren't in Valar when I started playing this guy - there's a few things about this Christian that you should be aware of.

(1) I'm keeping his Valar canon, which is slightly different than the book. In Valar he comes from Ireland (as does the actor playing him, Jamie Dornan).

(2) This Christian's still pretty much a grumpy asshole, but he is disgusted by the books. I liked the idea of playing this bastard of a guy, good with women, a bit insecure under the surface, but with one family member who gave a crap about him. One small thing can change someone's personality, and I gave him a sympathetic auntie, so I could see where that goes.

(3) I will not be doing any kind of non-con scenes here. There may be BDSM-themed things, but they will go behind a cut and be appropriately marked. But Mama Mun doesn't do non-con and frankly, this Christian doesn't either.

Any questions, please don't hesitate to shoot me a mail.

Jul. 5th, 2014



If everyone could take a tic to look through the replacements page, the taken characters page, and the contact page and let me know what's wrong / incorrect / typo'd / sucky / has a bear eating it, I'd really appreciate it. Please note how much I suck at editing code and be gentle? I mostly want to make sure I have your contact info and character lists correct.

Also: if your character is bringing previous RP canon, let me know so I can notate it on your contact page. If I've got it noted that they are bringing previous canon and they aren't, let me know that too.

Basically, just fill up my inbox with things.


Jul. 3rd, 2014



Characters will find beloved items from time to time in their "new" houses. Once your character goes home, make sure they look around - their teddy bear / mew mew / gun / favorite pair of lederhosen / whatever is somewhere to greet them*.

*Unless it is a hella destructive thing like the Tesseract or a jar of killer bees or some crap.