May 2013



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May. 20th, 2013



Stealing Lena's awesome idea of reposting for a redux of Marina's Kissing Drabble Meme.

Below I will post threads for my characters, reply to them with another character of your choice and eventually I will throw up a drabble to that prompt. (Before/ during/ after kiss, etc.)

ALTERNATE ROUTE: Give a prompt aside from kissing and I'll work that instead. (So it need not just be kisses, I say as I potentially jump in over my head.)

Jan. 8th, 2013


A whizzing sound, the flutter of mechanical wings and the glint of something appearing overhead. It's all a familiar sight, at least for some, of annual little bots that capture people together in invisible barrier fields and force them to kiss by refusing to let them go until they do. The barrier even shrinks for further prompting, it's all an annoyance, awkward at best but easily remedied. Laughed about afterwards, even.

But these are not those bots.

They look and sound and seem the same at first glance. But they do not want to make you kiss your trapped partner, no. Instead their prompts are... different. Someone's twisted idea of a joke perhaps, but in sweet childish voices they call out such things as "Hurt them!" "Break their arm!" "Hurt! Hurt!"

What are you going to do now?

Twisted Mistletoe bots is a take on the traditional meme of years past, for the darker souls and those who just wish to torture their characters a little! Who gets hurt and the extent of the required injury is up to the players, though it can be as mild as a slap to as vicious as you'd like. (Provided both players are cool w/it.)

- Post with a blank comment & list your limits/ dnw scenarios if needed!
- Reply to other comments and start many chains of evil.
- Warning for mature content, dub or even non-con scenarios.
- Please consider marking for triggers/ warn at your discretion.
- Post away!

Feb. 6th, 2012


Muse List

Many faces )


The Memory Circle [MEME]

So what do you see? )

Feb. 5th, 2012


The Hardest Thing To Say [MEME]

Some things are harder to say than others... )