Caitirin Icons

Icons by Caitelaby

Caitirin and Elaby's Icons


January 8th, 2007

Heads Up Icon Makers: Getty Images

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This is a PSA for icon makers who might use Getty Images:

Reposted from here:

You'll need to be careful, as Getty Images is starting to crack down on unauthorized usage of their pictures and will fine those responsible about $2000 to $3000 per picture.

News and Discussion from Site Point

It doesn't matter if your website is big or small, commercial or noncommercial. If you have a website that hosts images made with Getty Images pictures (such as a signature or an avatar), you may be held responsible for paying the fine, even if you didn't upload the picture yourself.

In the meantime, take advantage of other image sources such as Sxh.Hu or Creative Commons searches. Be careful though: if the image's photographer uploaded his pictures into multiple archives, and one of them happens to be Getty Images, you may be fined for that image even though you got it from a different source.

Please pass this on to other relevant people and communities. This would impact a lot of LJ and JF people, as well as people who make their own website designs or maintain fansites and rely on Getty Images for source material.

If you have any other links or resources for free images, please post them as well.
[/end repost]

I don't think that I use any Getty images pictures because I work with mainly anime, but some photo bases might be theirs. I'm not sure how they'd be able to tell with how much things are altered, but be careful! I know that I certainly couldn't afford a thousand dollar or more fine!!
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