When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone~

(no subject) @ 01:12 am

Your name: JalendaviLady
Favorite character(s)? Edmund, Professor Kirke, and Susan
Favorite book? I really can't pick.
Favorite anything else? Not that I can think of at the moment.
When did you first read these books? My family's copy of LWW has teething chew marks on it from the first time Mom read it to me. I first read them for myself in the second grade.

Overall, I liked the new movie. I especially liked the way Professor Kirke was handled, the way he was simultaneously pumping Peter and Susan for information about whatever was through the wardrobe while not revealing that he had good reasons of his own apart from basic logic to assume Lucy was telling the truth. And also that look in his eyes when he says "Try me" at the end.

And I really don't get why I've gotten crazy looks from at least one person for saying my favorite character is Edmund. Sure he's a traitorous idiot at the beginning, but a title like "The Just" doesn't just drop out of the sky. He's certainly learned his lesson by Prince Caspian, and an argument could be made that by the end of Voyage of the Dawn Treader he's the first traveler to Narnia to have actually figured things out. I can get why people would have different favorite characters, but to give me the 'you must be disturbed look' for liking him? Is it just that so many people saw the movie and haven't read the other books?