never as clear as you think
August 6th, 2009 
01:07 am - the red death (sleeping tiger, thiele) [a ruined way, eragos feareborne, sleeping tiger, thiele varchardt]
"A minor question of land rights circa the fourth hundred years of the Free Cities..."

With Throstle on his right, and Gawain on his left, Eragos felt as though any attack would have been a mercy. Bahn had been right. The two Riders were extremely green. One was fat enough to concern Eragos, while the other was nothing but bone. He could have been with the Lady Vera, speaking of... Eragos felt his ears burn before he finished the thought. It was not proper. There was little of his behavior that could be considered proper of late. He still wore the mask, despite the civilian clothing draped upon his person. A single candle illuminated the table in the common area of this large home. There was a certain feel of a dungeon to it, with imposing stone walls and iron-crossed windows meant to keep in as much as to keep out. All gray and black, with little enough red in the carpet that ran like a guide through each room and corridor to each thing of value. The sconces were all carvings of dragons, ornate clutching torches as though their very existence depended on it. Eragos forgot for a moment that the fellow was talking to him.

"...the third daughter has common blood on both sides, and is deemed owner, but in the event of her death..."

It was unbearable. )
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