never as clear as you think
November 27th, 2008 
09:42 pm - Old Wounds [Leir] [aeotha easaahae, leironuoth, the rising]
Aeotha was angry, beyond angry, With Leir and with herself for going along with it. What else could she have done? Run between the blades? Leir's head hadn't been tended to as of yet, so Aeotha lead him to the main temple of Lorien within Terestai. A white marble tower surrounded by vast gardens that only held night blossoming flowers. Moon blossoms of all shapes and sizes. Fountains and statues of Lorien, as well as the Champion of the Lion and High Priestesses of long before. There was a small garden behind the tower, a patch of remembrance of those who had died in the breaking. It was dutifully tended to. Aeotha lead Leir to her private chambers, there no one could bother them, and no one would dare to try. The whisperings of priestesses, priests, and paladin alike were made silent by their passing. They would not whisper rumors with her there.

That was the only good thing right now about being Aeotha. )
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