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Apr. 27th, 2012


Week 4 daily check-in: Day 3

Ran in the snow this morning. Just as it was falling - it's not sticking, and it wasn't too bad. In fact, it was kinda neat and distracting and nice when I got warmed up.

How'd you all do?

Apr. 14th, 2012


Week 2 daily check-in: Day 3

Didya DO the THING?

If you did/when you do, we surely all deserve a slice of this:


I did it, but today was Uninspired Day. It was hard and I was grumpy. And my legs felt extremely pasta-like again by the end, so next week, this will be me:


Or, you know, some less shiny-haired variation thereof. Either way, I'm definitely not ready to increase the difficulty yet, so I'll just be doing more of the same.

Come get your cake and let us know about your final day of week 2!

Apr. 9th, 2012


Week 2 daily check-in: Day 1

I probably shouldn't be so excited about running a total of 9 minutes today, but I am - I'm quite ecstatic about it, tbh! I mean yeah, it was interrupted by the walking intervals, but still, that's more than I've run in 30 years.

And yeah, it wasn't easy, I was definitely dragging in the last running interval (not to mention that I timed it completely wrong and was running up the one and only hill on my route then), but I kept plugging until I heard the walk chimes.

How was today for you all? Are you finding the increase harder or is it coming along pretty naturally? And when you're feeling like you've had it, how are you keeping going?

I think we're all doing a pretty impressive job, keeping up with this! *high-fives everyone*

Apr. 1st, 2012


Resource Post

Basics of the The Couch-to-5K program: Explains the program, includes the all important SCHEDULE with the goals of this 10-week program.

(Also a variant of the C25K program with bikes!)

Pre-exercise stretching: Includes both a model 12-stretches program as well as an abbreviated 3-essentials shortcut.

C25K website: Resource list, some things much more helpful than others. I like the downloadable tracks for iPods to keep track of distance without, you know, keeping track of distance. There are also all kinds of motivational things like forums, tshirts, etc. YMMV.

If you find any other resources that help you, please leave them in a comment below and I'll add the links.

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