September 27th, 2013

[info]impureatheart in [info]bytheangelooc

Hey loves! It's mod!Lissa here now to intro my characters now that you've read everything. I already have all of my characters posted on a list in my CDJ so check it out here.

My connections will eventually be linked, which I will need your help with. If we have a connection, please let me know what your links are. If you're not sure if one of my main connections are feel free to ask. My ships are taken if there is a name. Open characters for ships are Alexandra Lightwood (Jace and Clary's daughter), Maryse Trueblood (young Mamma Lightwood), Lucie Herondale (Will and Tessa's daughter).

Izzy here is the one who will handle requests of any kind, that post can be found in her journal and is linked on the navigation on the mod page.

[info]feedingat_rex in [info]bytheangelooc



Not really. )

[info]hpcankissmyasss in [info]bytheangelooc

Hey there everyone, It's Adrian.
Everyone here knows me, so I don't need to introduce myself.

Welcome to By the Angel! Here's my list.

If anyone wants plot with any of my characters, I'm open. Feel free to let me know.

[info]m_lightwoodbane in [info]bytheangelooc

Hey everyone! I'm Heather. I am playing four characters here at By the Angel. First is this cuteie, Marlie Bane-Lightwood. She is the adopted daughter of Magnus and Alec (because in my head canon, nothing happened between them to cause them to break up!). Marlie is seven. She is wary of magic in general though she herself possesses magickal ability. She is half shadowhunter and half warlock (she is the daughter of Ragnor Fell).

Secondly, I have brought in Beatrice "Tris" Prior, from the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth. I have brought her in from the end of the first book. She prefers to be called Tris, not Beatrice. (Unless you're her brother or her mother, or her father, that is).

Thirdly, I have brought in Jem Carstairs. He is taken from the epilogue of Clockwork Princess and beyond.

Finally, I have Gabriel Lightwood. He has been taken from the end of Clockwork Princess.

The last two will be in the game soon. :)

Looking forward to playing with everyone!! Cheers!

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