September 2012



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Jun. 4th, 2012


drop box

If you have any questions, comments, or requests just leave a comment here and they'll be addressed ASAP. All comments are screened for privacy.
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rules and guidelines

Be Respectful. This should be common sense. Don't be a jackass. Don't be rude, don't be combative, don't start drama. Be respectful of others' writing and of others' rights to post here. No spamming or trolling.

Follow All Posting Guidelines. That means filling out subject headers appropriately, answering questions properly, and generally just showing that you can and did read the posts before posting.

To Each His/Her Own. Not everyone writes their fandom character canonically. Some people slash, some people don't. You are allowed to post your character however you play them. Refrain from harassing or trolling people just because you don't like their responses. That said, any controversial, triggering, or graphic responses must be clearly marked in the subject header. If you fail to do so, your comments will be deleted.
All Comments Must Have a Subject Header. When you reply to something, you must fill out the subject header appropriately. This means you'll need your character's name, their fandom, and a rating with any specific warnings. For example, an appropriate subject header would look like: "Harry Potter (Harry Potter, canon) - PG". Or "Cersei Lannister (ASOIAF, canon) - R, incest". Or "Castiel (Supernatural - au) - R, slash". Or "Jane Smith (Original) - G".

Controversial, Graphic, or Triggering Posts Must Be Clearly Marked. If your response includes graphic sex or references to anything that could be considered squicky or controversial, or if your post concerns triggering material (rape, abuse, etc), you must clearly mark it in the subject header.

Only One Character Response Per Comment. When you're replying to a post, you need to make a separate comment for each character you're providing a response for. While you don't need a separate journal for each character, you should at least provide an icon that accurately depicts your character (i.e. don't use an icon of Lea Michele when you're posting for the Joker, etc).
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What's this about? This community is here to facilitate character development. Whether you're playing a fandom character or an original one, in roleplay, fanfic, or your own novels, you can come here for a variety of character building exercises.

How does it work? Posts will be made frequently in this community with some sort of character building exercise. Writers can then reply to the aforementioned post with their characters' responses.
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