January 4th, 2018


I am so unaccustomed to celebrating such holidays. I'm aware of but a few in the Free Cities, though most commemorate the founding of the city or the worshiping of a deity. I was quite pleased, however, to receive some gifts for the holidays just past and I rather enjoyed the feast presented by the King. Thank you all for being so welcoming.

I should very much like to acquaint myself with other traditions and festivities to come. Would anyone like to share some of their customs with me? I will be happy to share some of mine with you as well.

Is the weather always this bitterly cold here in Winterhold? I suppose I have just answered my own question, given the name of this place. Is there truly no reprieve from the constant cold? Even during Narnia's worst days, I do not think it was ever this cold. Perhaps during the White Witch's reign, but luckily, I was not around for that. Always winter but never Christmas. That was how I was always told anyway.

I do not wish to complain. Everyone has been very hospitable here. I simply fear I may wake up one morning to find my wife has turned into a block of ice. And then I will have no choice but to chip her out! (She may not like my humor so much after this. Please, forgive me.)

I am, however, eager to hunt or to make use of some of my skills. I hear it is dangerous to wander alone, so would anyone like to join a hunting party, perhaps? Simply a suggestion.

Thank the Maker for these first few days and first month. Back home, on the First Day of the First Month, we celebrate by rejoicing with our neighbors with much mead and merriment. Though in recent years, it has not been very merry due to the Blight, but the people require hope in order to go on.

For anyone who would like to accompany me, I will be at the pub in celebration of this new beginning. Drinks are on me!