Jan. 4th, 2018


Thank the Maker for these first few days and first month. Back home, on the First Day of the First Month, we celebrate by rejoicing with our neighbors with much mead and merriment. Though in recent years, it has not been very merry due to the Blight, but the people require hope in order to go on.

For anyone who would like to accompany me, I will be at the pub in celebration of this new beginning. Drinks are on me!

Is the weather always this bitterly cold here in Winterhold? I suppose I have just answered my own question, given the name of this place. Is there truly no reprieve from the constant cold? Even during Narnia's worst days, I do not think it was ever this cold. Perhaps during the White Witch's reign, but luckily, I was not around for that. Always winter but never Christmas. That was how I was always told anyway.

I do not wish to complain. Everyone has been very hospitable here. I simply fear I may wake up one morning to find my wife has turned into a block of ice. And then I will have no choice but to chip her out! (She may not like my humor so much after this. Please, forgive me.)

I am, however, eager to hunt or to make use of some of my skills. I hear it is dangerous to wander alone, so would anyone like to join a hunting party, perhaps? Simply a suggestion.

I am so unaccustomed to celebrating such holidays. I'm aware of but a few in the Free Cities, though most commemorate the founding of the city or the worshiping of a deity. I was quite pleased, however, to receive some gifts for the holidays just past and I rather enjoyed the feast presented by the King. Thank you all for being so welcoming.

I should very much like to acquaint myself with other traditions and festivities to come. Would anyone like to share some of their customs with me? I will be happy to share some of mine with you as well.

Dec. 26th, 2017


I'm not sure I am ever going to get used to this.

Sue, Caspian, Lilliandil

Merry Christmas!

Dec. 16th, 2017



North Wind's Prayer Feast )

Dec. 11th, 2017


I believe it is pertinent information that I can now wield healing and flame magic. I'm not sure how this is possible. It's quite a shock for me, but I suppose this will help me here considering I did not have such abilities before coming here.

Dec. 9th, 2017


9th Day of Evening Star, 4E 202

Jarl Balgruuf the Greater has invited you all to a feast for North Wind's Prayer on the 15th.
It will be held in Dragonsreach (the palace), on the Great Porch. You'll see lots of the other citizens, there.
All the food will be prepared with the local crops, and there will be several different meat dishes as well.

Dec. 3rd, 2017


Thinking about making some food for the house tonight.
Is anybody here vegetarian or allergic to anything?
I was thinking grilled leeks and salmon.

Dec. 2nd, 2017


It's very strange not using my gun. I'm trying to conserve my ammunition for important circumstances. A young woman from another of the different worlds has been showing me how to handle a bow so I can do just that.

Nov. 28th, 2017


Dragon boy, I've managed to settle things at Fort Dawnguard. Do you require any assistance as of late?

How is that potion working out?

Nov. 27th, 2017


27th Day of Sun's Dusk, 4E 202

Is everybody faring well and settling in?

Nov. 25th, 2017


This place kind of reminds me of Montana. Mountains, pine trees, the thing the weather does where it changes every ten minutes.
Yeah, I think I'll get used to this place in no time.

Colonel, what are our plans for the day?

Nov. 24th, 2017


24th Day of Sun's Dusk, 4E 202

I see we have more people arriving.
Some of you missed my visit yesterday to the manor.

I held a small council to let the beginning group of outlanders know where they were, and what things they could expect of this world.

To make it short,
1 ) Mind the roads in the wilderness. Not all our wildlife is docile. There are wolves, bears, and sabre cats that lurk along the roads. Wolves and bears are most common. Avoid the giants, they are territorial and protective of their mammoths.
2 ) I brought a collection of weapons this morning to choose from. If you don't have any, I'd suggest looking through what's available. That weapon may be the difference between your life or death. There are plenty people around who are willing to teach you if you've not any former combat training.
3 ) The closest city is Whiterun. There's two blacksmiths, a tavern, an apothecary, and a general goods store. Use the money found in your strongboxes to purchase items you might need.
4 ) Watch the skies, and be vigilant. There are dragons here. They know what they're doing but they're not likely to perceive any of you as a threat, so you should be safe. Key word, "should".

Is this another nightmare? Feels like a particularly terrifying one as I can't rouse myself awake from it. Is this it then? Have the Darkspawn began The Calling on me? Is this what it feels like to lose control?

If this is some sort of kidnapping, I assure you it will fail. Or perhaps it's sorcery. In any event, I should like to speak to the leader and secure my release. I am needed back home as I am a Queen and my kingdom is in desperate need of me.

What a strange world.... I could have sworn I saw someone who looked very much like me only a few moments ago. How did I even get here?

Pardon me, for I did not mean to be so rude. I am Caspian of Narnia. Any assistance would be most appreciated.

Alright, Ridley. Where the hell are you? This ain't funny.

The sky is overcast, which means the sun is going to hate me about 75% less.
Who wants to go check out the city with me?