Sep. 5th, 2007


Fic - Alpha and Omega - Pairing Kara/Felix Rating pg13

Title - Alpha and Omega
Author - Rap541/Rapfic
Pairing - Kara Thrace/Felix Gaeta
Word count - 52 parts and counting
Rating - PG-13
Summary - Kara and Felix realize over time that they are oddly attracted to each other. This is a fic being written from a fanfic100 table, and I am on Part 52 right now. I am writing in prompt order so start at the story in the number one spot. I am posting a link to my LJ rather than post all fifty two stories. [info]amaleka_crone said it was cool.

Spoilers - starts at the mini, goes AU at Epiphanies

Aug. 18th, 2007


Fic - " The Situation part 1" PG Roslin/Gaeta

Title - The Situation
Characters - Gaeta/Roslin
Word count - 973
Rating - PG currently
Summary - Laura and Felix have a secret.
Spoilers - none, set after "Water"
Warnings - implied incest. multiparted, may have full on incest
Disclosure - I own nothing, I want no funds... BSG does not belong to me.

The Situation )