August 19th, 2007

[info]amaleka_crone in [info]bsg_fic

Mod Post: To challenge, or not to challenge?

Okay, I really want this community to have a super-awesome header and/or layout that is thematically based around the important players in the BSG world. Not only am I crap at graphics, but I also have no idea how to implement any kind of personalized layout into IJ's pre-made ones.

My point? Well, I've got two:

Point the first: What do you all think about a graphics challenge? I could bend the 'fic only, damnit' rule a bit so that the graphically-inclined amongst us could work some magic, post said magic, and then y'all could vote on a winner and we could get to making this community aesthetically pleasing? Yes? No? We don't give a frak, do what you want?

Point the second: After said graphics have been voted on, I will need someone to teach me how to add it to the current layout (or another one, if necessary). I have not the smarts to do it myself, but I bet one of you lovely people could show me how! Volunteers?

Please post all submissions behind a cut, and comment on this post if you'd like to be involved in participating, judging and/or layout tutorial type things.

Thank you!