The Brown Coats - January 14th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Brown Coat Love

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January 14th, 2009

Firefly FanFic RP [Jan. 14th, 2009|03:41 pm]
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[mood | enthralled]

Hello Browncoats,

My buddy, Legi, and I have been on a serious Firefly/Serenity hyper kick for over a week now. So we just started RPing a chat and that's turned to four parts of a series so far. Below you'll find links to the first two parts which are posted. Feedback and comments of the constructive variety always welcomed. Enjoy!

Title: Firefly fanfic role-playing
Authors:  Jayden and Legi
Fandom: Firefly / Serenity
Characters/Pairing: Malcolm Reynolds / Simon Tam
Rating: NC-17 to R
Summary: Slash, dominance/submission, bondage, lashing with a belt, deflowering, lots of snarking. Mal and Simon discover a new way to interact. These are the first two fics of a series.
Disclaimer: Don't own any of these characters and don't make any money off them. This here's just for fun.

(The Belt - Part 1)

(The Fight - Part 2)
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