The Brown Coats - September 25th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Brown Coat Love

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September 25th, 2007

Moving on, for now. [Sep. 25th, 2007|04:54 pm]


[Tags|, , , , ]
[mood | blah]
[music |Sea Wolf-Middle Distance Runner]

Sadly, as we all know, Firefly was cancelled. And even though the movie was great, the actors can't go on forever portraying their characters.
Nathan Fillion was the main character , Alex Tully, on the Fox television show Drive. But that show was cancelled after just four episodes. Summer Glau dabbled in many things, like The Unit (Crystal Burns), and The 4400 (Tess Doerner). Soon she should be in a upcoming television series called The Sarah Connor Chronicles playing Cameron Phillips) in 2007.
Adam Baldwin is now in NBC's Chuck Major John Casey), which aired last night, Monday, at 9. 
If you have seen or know what the rest of the crew is up to lately, please post it! It's always great to know what our fellow Brown Coats are up to!! And to support them by watching them.
If you have ANY news or fanfic, or anything on/about the crew, firefly, or serenity, please you're welcome to post it!
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