October 2009

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October 20th, 2009

[info]brokenking in [info]brokenrpg

When: Morning
Where: The Whole Labyrinth
Rating: Clean
Status: ONE SHOT - To set the mood...

Greeted by the distant rumble of thunder, whipped by the harsh winds that tore at the landscape, the Goblin King surveyed his kingdom.

The changes in the Labyrinth were so extreme now it was barely recognisable. In the days of it's former glory it had been a fantastical place, haven to all who needed shelter, shifting and changing like the slumbering beast it was. Now it was a shadow of it's former self. Sounds travelled over the roaring winds to the ears of the king. Shrieks and moans, strange barks and howls. As the landscape changed, so too did the inhabitants. The Labyrinth was a dark place now, dangerous. Uncontrolled.

Jareth turned his attention to the city below the tower on which he stood. The ramshackled houses were mostly abandoned now, the goblins having fled into the wilds of the Labyrinth, free of the forced domesticity their ruler had imposed for so long. There was the occasional flicker of movement in the streets far below, but the king moved over them with blank eyes.

He studied his kingdom in silence, his face set, unreadable. Only a flash of life was behind his eyes. This was his domain now. As fierce and as untamed as he had ever seen it. Soon it would be back to what it had once been. What Jareth thought of that... no-one was certain.

He leapt from the tower then, hurtling towards the ground before sliding into the shape of a large owl. He circled the Labyrinth, catching glimpses of his subjects below. Letting go a deathly shriek, he went looking for his charge, the Scamp named Faux.

[info]brokenking in [info]brokenrpg

Who: Sarah and Toby
When: Morning
Where: Aboveground/Underground
Rating: Up to you guys
Status: Incomplete

There was something missing. Something not right. Something that needed to return. The Labyrinth was a beast, alive with dreams and desires. It wanted. It needed. It HUNGERED. Reaching out into the world, the Labyrinth went searching for what it desired the most.


When it found what it was looking for, it despatched the goblins. Each creature, born from the Labyrinth itself, had only one thought in it's tiny little brain.

Fetch them baaaaaaack..... fetch them baaaaaaack....fetch them baaaaaaack....

[info]verva_kazalik in [info]brokenrpg

Who: Verva, Ehawee Chepi
When: Afternoon
Where: the forest
Rating: PG-13 at the most
Status: Incomplete

Verva whistled a jaunty tune in between bites of peach as she made her way back home. Today's fruit hunt had gone especially well, judging by the large bag she had draped over her shoulder. Doru was draped around her neck like a choker, and he added his own whistles and clicks to her tune adding a slight discordance.

As they entered the forest however their tune died down and Verva tossed the leftover peach into the undergrowth. Her now free hand pulled her ax out of its loop and held it at the ready. There was still a ways to go before they reached camp and she had no idea what might be attracted to her by the smell of fresh fruit. She inhaled deeply but only smelled the normal scents of the forest. As they neared camp she relaxed slightly, but was instantly on gaurd again when she took another lungful of air. There was a new scent in the air: smoke and fire and heat, and for a moment she thought another Dragon had made it to this strange world but there was something missing to make it a true Dragon scent. They finally entered camp and she dropped her bag of fruit to get a better grip on her ax, her eyes swept the area and saw nothing but she still didn't relax.

"Who's there?" She snarled at the empty air.