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British Literature RP

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[11 Nov 2008|09:26am]
WHO: Percy and Margo
WHAT: He has something for her
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Outside her room

Percy loved Tuesdays. Normally, with no classes, that was the day he slept in. But this Tuesday he was on a mission. Bundle behind his back, he'd snuck into the girls dorm. Alright technically he didn't have to sneak. Technically boys were allowed in before ten pm (or whatever the curfew was...Percy hadn't really paid attention to that). And technically he was an R.A. and thus didn't need to worry about being caught. But it's more exciting if he views this as life or death.

Making his way to the second floor, he paused in front of Margo's door, bending down to lay something in front of her door. Time to beat a hasty retreat.
26 Readbooks read.

[11 Nov 2008|09:32pm]
WHO: Marian and Robin
WHAT: Robin tried to pick a fight with Guy
WHEN: Tuesday evening
WHERE: Robin's room

Marian had not been pleased to hear that Robin had tried to pick a fight with Guy. After all, it's not like she'd been doing this dating thing behind his back. He had full knowledge. Full knowledge! And if he was angry with someone, it really should be her. She's the one who wanted to start dating Guy. See which one she preferred. And if he wanted to have a fight with someone, it should be her. So, Tuesday evening, leaving Margo on duty, she'd made her way over to the boy's dorms. Robiiiiin!
23 Readbooks read.

[ viewing | November 11th, 2008 ]
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