September 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

(copied from my cdj)

so finally home... only to find that the video card in my PC has possibly died - my monitor won't see that the computer is on so yeah; and tried my monitor with my dad's computer and it works fine. sadly it's the weekend so I can't get it seen to until tomorrow and no idea how long it will take.

which is totally sucky, because it has all my character stuff, photo editing stuff and online game I play regularly on it... and okay I have my iPad and possibly my mum's laptop I can borrow... I know it sounds weird, but it doesn't feel the same as using my own computer. but I will definitely try to catch up on my games that I owe replies to - although will probably not be able to catch up on apps I need to finish.

...anyway that said I was wondering if any of you would be able to catch me up on what I've missed and where maybe Eva is needed at the moment. that'd be great.
