bridge command ; out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
bridge command ; out of character

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[17 Jun 2009|04:07am]
Heeeey~! I'm Jenna. I'm 22 and I work at a bookstore, which means I work crazy unstandardized retail hours with no access to a computer during those times. Woe. Also I have a group of friends who occasionally kidnap me from working on my computer screen induced tan. Still generally I can be found online between 11 pm and 3 am (EST), and occasionally as early as 2 pm if the day is completely clear. Nothing earlier though since me and mornings =/= friends.

Anywho. My contribution to this insanely attractive crew is Lt. Cmdr. Ruhka Ores, the resident chief engineer and Joined Trill, though the having an awesome space slug in her abdomen is largely kept on the downlow since people aren't really supposed to find out until like, 2367. She grew up on the Trill homeworld, and was something of an engineering prodigy which eventually lead her to being the protege, friend and eventual successor of Ores' previous host. After being Joined, she decided to get the hell out of Dodge by joining Starfleet where she's been kicking ass and taking names until the present.

In terms of personality, Ruhka mostly comes across as having a sort of easy self-confidence. While she may technically be only twenty-nine, she also has another hundred-plus years living experience. And that hundred-plus years was spent as men, and so she also comes across as rather... androgynous for all the slender girlish packaging.

I'll stop there since I'm getting ramble-y but you know what I love? Lines. Lines and plot. So if you have either of these you can:
a) reply here!
b) find me at deadland lilacs on aim
or c) email me at

Or you could just say HI. I'm so totally psyched about this, guys. :D
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