bridge command ; out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
bridge command ; out of character

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[16 Jun 2009|08:09am]
Obviously, we've just posted our first mission! The landing party is listed at the bottom of the mission post, so those of you listed, get ready for a group thread! Those of you not on the landing party, there's still plenty to do on the Endeavour, both related and unrelated to the mission, so please don't feel left out 8] In a little bit, a thread for the landing party will go up, and the exploration can begin. Since we don't have a captain just yet, Mohan has been named the commanding officer for this mission. If you have questions about what's going on, you can leave them here, or in the drop box!

If you're still posting in other threads, don't feel like you have to stop, keep at it!

Also, administrative stuff. We have a few new players, as you may have noticed. Please update your friends list with the button. It's actually been updated this time.

That's all for now, I think. It's early in the morning, I'm only half conscious.
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