bridge command ; out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
bridge command ; out of character

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[12 Jun 2009|01:14pm]
This is me, attempting to do an intro when I'm still half asleep. Also, you know that you've been roleplaying too long when you start recognizing AIM usernames but are unable to recall what game, where, and when you recognize them from. That being said, hello all! My name is Kira. I, like many, am a college student on break for the summer who is (rather unfortunately) unemployed due to the lack of part time work (yay, crappy economy). Of course, that just means more time online and the ability to keep very odd hours. Speaking of, I'm in EST, but my sleeping schedule tends to vary. Anyways, on to the important stuff.

This little lady here is Anima Zorn, ensign and member of the Science Personnel. She's 26 years old but just graduated from the Academy last year having started her Starfleet career after deciding that the career path as a Diplomat that had been laid out for her wasn't exactly her cup of tea.

lj-cut because... )

...that got insanely long. I can be reached for plotting on AIM at peacekeeperdl. Random IMs freak me out a bit, so I would appreciate it if people could introduce themselves in that first IM so that I don't completely flip out. I can also be reached at if I'm not online and inspiration happens to strike. I will be sure to get back to you ASAP.
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update yay [12 Jun 2009|04:01pm]
Yay! We're glad to see everyone settling in. This is just a reminder for everyone. Please make sure to run the friend button to update your friends list, since we have a few new players. We've also done some other administrative work. There have been some updates to the rules for clarification purposes, so give that a look. If you have any unanswered questions, just direct them to the drop box. Also! If you have any plot ideas, you can drop them there, as well! This game cannot run on our crack induced ideas, alone! Your input is definitely wanted, so please don't be afraid to pass on your ideas!

The ship will be launching on Sunday, and then Tuesday we will be posting the first mission! Can't wait to see the rest of you guys in action! exclamation point.
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