bridge command ; out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
bridge command ; out of character

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[11 Jun 2009|12:13am]
Hi, everyone! I'm Quin. My AIM's epitomal, but I tend to forget to log on, so if you want to reach me, is probably your best bet.

I'm playing Ensign Ellen Solis, an engineering tech. She's the first person in her family to join Starfleet or really be involved in space exploration in any way (generations of technicians/tradesman/skilled workers on both sides, and typically in fields a lot less interesting than starship construction). She's also mostly in Starfleet to get away from her large, demanding family. Well, that and she thinks artificial gravity systems are the neatest toys ever. It's generally a bad idea to let her take old, broken components back to her quarters to "fix".

Despite that, Ellen's pretty professional on duty, and very good at her job. She's still pretty new at it and her flashes of just-it-the-nick of time brilliance are hit and miss, so don't expect her to save you from the black hole at the last second or anything; if you need a system back on line quickly, though, Ellen's pretty good at that.

She's been stationed on the Endeavor about a year at this point, so she might know people who aren't new to the ship, or maybe someone who was in the Academy recently (Ellen graduated last year).
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It's 5:00AM, why am I still awake? [11 Jun 2009|05:16am]
I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but I figured that other people might share my morbid curiosity..

What precisely will the rules be with regards to romantic relationships in the game? I don't really know how they worked in any of the shows, except that they did happen. I'm sure that there are rules about how one should behave on the ship, but I don't know what they are. Should we ignore those kind of relationships completely or just keep them low-key if they happen?

This is one part "How was it handled in the shows? What would the IC-rules be?" and two parts "How do the Mods want to handle it?"
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oh look an intro! [11 Jun 2009|11:56am]
Hello everyone! I figured I should post this before I run away to work since I was accepted last night. I'm your friendly, neighbourhood Nim. I'm currently a full-time college student (English ftw!) and also a member of the part-time workforce (boo to low pay D: oh well). I'll be starting my third year in University this coming fall which I hope will be fun (?). I don't have a whole lot else to say beyond the fact that I'm CST time.

ANYWAYS, moving on, I've brought with me Evelyn St. Clair, the resident Head Counselor. She's the lady you go to when things aren't doing so well mentally or when you need to talk. It's her job to listen and problem solve, which she does well, and would generally like being useful to people (otherwise why would she be here eh?). Evelyn grew up in Cornwall and when she got older fell in love with the idea of Starfleet and, eventually, she enlisted. It was a big step, considering she was moving not just across an ocean but also halfway across the world from where she'd grown up. She studied Psychology at the Academy and was stationed at Headquarters as an Assistant Counselor for about four-five years before she was placed on the Endeavor (again as an Assistant Counselor to the then Head). It was only after the ships were reinstated with the newest gadgets that her boss retired and Evelyn replaced him as Head Counselor, so she'd quite new to the position since she knows the Department rather well.

Evelyn is quite straight-laced. She's the one who follows the rules to the book and usually frowns when people deviate from it. Rules are there for a reason people! She's kind enough and compassionate when she's on the job but don't mistake her for a doormat; if something's bothering her, she'll be blunt and to the point. Communication, she finds, is very important and she makes an effort to remain a communicative person. Same goes for being somewhat of a diplomat-- she likes being the peace-maker and finds the middle ground in most discussions. Sometimes she takes herself far too seriously and needs a little extra coaxing in order to let loose a little and have some fun.

Uhhh I think that's all I have to say. Any other info can be found in her bio in her journal. I'm around quite a bit and, if you want to find me to chat, my AIM sn is some stardust. Otherwise shoot me an email ( seeing a pattern here?) and I'll be sure to see it. I'm really excited to be here and can't wait to get started! :D
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